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Der Augenblick der Wahrheit Herr Busse Die Mordsache Druse Herr Hauk Eine Rose im Müll Riebold Abenteuer Airport TV Series Bronnen Untergrund TV Movie Der Atem Brock Tiger Löwe Panther Affaire Nachtfrost TV Movie Spielergeschichten TV Series Dortmunder Roulette TV Series Christian Rother Bankier für Preussen TV Movie Zerbrochene Brücken TV Movie August Bebel Die zwei Gesichter des Januar Rosa Luxemburg Warden Breslau Die Schwarzwaldklinik TV Series Michael Lutz Sterbehilfe Michael Lutz voice uncredited El investigador TV Series Kommissar im Rauschgiftdezernat Liebe macht blind Kommissar im Rauschgiftdezernat Tras el rastro de los asesinos Grassmann Wallenberg TV Movie Schmidthuber Jenseits der Morgenröte TV Mini Series Pater Pereira Der Drache speit Feuer Pater Pereira Gold und Tod Pater Pereira Nadja Pater Pereira Tödliche Taiga Pater Pereira Spur der Leiden Pater Pereira Show all episodes Wodzek Der Millionen Coup TV Mini Series Frank Rothko Die Frau ohne Körper und der Projektionist Gerd Maras Exmann Weltuntergang TV Movie Der Mann der keine Autos mochte TV Series Der Andro Jäger TV Series Erläuterungs Androide Ganz einfach wenn man's kann Erläuterungs Androide Köberle kommt TV Series Oberstaatsanwalt Lenz Bau Schau Wem Oberstaatsanwalt Lenz Das zweite Gesicht Kreuzer Schlaflose Tage TV Movie Un caso para dos TV Series Herr Brenneisen Kratzer im Lack Herr Brenneisen Neonstadt Busch segment Running Blue Familientag Short Ein Zug nach Manhattan TV Movie Juwelier George Sierra Madre TV Movie Heinz Baumann Drei Freundinnen TV Movie Rainer

Der kostbare Gast Menzel Aussagen nach einer Verhaftung auf Grund des Gesetzes gegen Unsittlichkeit TV Movie Der Polizist Generale Anatomie der Marneschlacht TV Movie Prosperos Traum TV Movie Sebastian Geburtstage TV Series Ecken sind nicht rund Hilde Breitner TV Movie Kein Grund zur Unruhe TV Movie Die Jungfrau von Orleans TV Movie Herzog Philipp der Gute von Burgund El embrutecimiento de Franz Blum Anstaltsleiter Eine geschiedene Frau TV Mini Series Aus Liebe zum Sport TV Series Vier Mädchen im Boot Gewissensentscheidung TV Movie Mandron Der Stoff aus dem die Träume sind Chefredakteur Lester Doppelspiel in Paris Zeugenberichte aus dem gefährlichen Leben der Mathilde Carré TV Movie Kiki Distriktchef im Geheimring Maestro der Revolution TV Movie Cernuschi Hamburg Transit TV Series Arzt vom Dienst Ticket nach Rio Arzt vom Dienst Claus Graf Stauffenberg TV Movie Friedrich III ' gestorben als Kaiser' TV Movie Reporter Maximilian von Mexiko TV Movie Hidalgo Die Räuber TV Movie Roller Nennen Sie mich Alex TV Movie Miles Affäre Dreyfuss TV Mini Series Oberst Panizzardi Über den Gehorsam Szenen aus Deutschland wo die Unterwerfung des eigenen Willens unter einen fremden als Tugend gilt TV Movie Journalist Polizeifunk ruft TV Series Alberto Carelli Paul Bremer Der Spindmarder Alberto Carelli Das Mädchen von der Autobahn Paul Bremer Egmont TV Movie Geibelstraße TV Movie Christoph Abendschmied Verkäufer Intercontinental Express TV Series Agent Ypsilon Des Rätsels Lösung Agent Ypsilon Der Raub der Sabinerinnen TV Movie Emil Groß Die chinesische Mauer TV Movie Prinz Wu Tsiang Der eingebildete Kranke TV Movie Cléanthe Das Gespenst von Canterville TV Movie Simon Canterville I Don Gil von den grünen Hosen TV Movie Ein Phönix zuviel TV Movie Tegeus Der Walzer der Toreros TV Movie Gaston Annoncentheater Ein Abendprogramm des deutschen Fernsehens im Jahre TV Movie Batistello Großstadtrevier TV Series Die lieben Alten El lugar del crimen TV Series Kriminaldirektor Experiment Der Mann auf dem Hochsitz Kriminaldirektor Die Männer vom K TV Series Wilhelm Rabenmeister Ein ganz alltäglicher Fall Wilhelm Rabenmeister Der Elegante Hund TV Series Servus Durchlaucht Der Landarzt TV Series Herr Schindler Gegen die Uhr Herr Schindler Die Schwarzwaldklinik TV Series Friedrich Metzner Der Wert des Lebens Friedrich Metzner Ein Fall für TKKG TV Series Dr C Grenzelbach Die Jagd nach den Millionendieben Dr C Grenzelbach Tegtmeier TV Series Ottmar Latazke Vom Himmel hoch Ottmar Latazke Mein Sohn der Minister TV Movie Die Pawlaks Eine Geschichte aus dem Ruhrgebiet TV Series Der alte Krechting St Pauli Landungsbrücken TV Series Auf der Durchreise Jauche und Levkojen TV Series Ein Kapitel für sich TV Mini Series Großvater de Bonsac Episode Großvater de Bonsac Episode Großvater de Bonsac Kümo Henriette TV Series Werner Müller Ende gut alles im Eimer Werner Müller Der Winter der ein Sommer war TV Mini Series Graf Sonsfeld Timon von Athen TV Movie Senator Tadellöser Wolff TV Mini Series Episode Bauern Bonzen und Bomben TV Mini Series Graf Bandekow Sonderdezernat K TV Series Herr Kettel Kassensturz um Mitternacht Herr Kettel Motiv Liebe TV Series Münzensammler Ein Freund der Familie Münzensammler Im Auftrag von Madame TV Series Walzer linksrum Der Stoff aus dem die Träume sind Thomas Hem Max Hölz Ein deutsches Lehrstück TV Movie Verwaltungsbeamter von Gersdorf Percy Stuart TV Series Ein Horoskop von der NASA Onkel Wanja Bilder aus dem Landleben TV Movie Professor Alexander Wladimirowitsch Serebrjakow Der Polizeiminister Joseph Fouché TV Movie Cambon Goya TV Mini Series Herzog von Osuna Zweiter Teil Herzog von Osuna Erster Teil Herzog von Osuna Die fünfte Kolonne TV Series Dr Pfeifer Kapitän zur See Becker Sonnenblumenweg Dr Pfeifer Ein Anruf aus der Zone Kapitän zur See Becker Die Flucht nach Holland TV Movie Paul von Hintze Stalingrado Ein General Deserción Blondin i fara Doctor Skandal um Dr Vlimmen Dr Treeborg In Hamburg sind die Nächte lang Zwei blaue Augen Feigl Ingenieur Die Barrings Dr Bremer Reifende Jugend Studienrat Baumbauer Die Geishas des Captain Fisby TV Movie McLean Divisionsarzt Erzieherin gesucht Achim Terbrügge Die drei Dorfheiligen Lehrer Krach im Hinterhaus Assessor Dr Erich Horn Danke es geht mir gut Tierarzt Dokter Höflin Heidesommer Das alte Lied Graf Erwin Haldem Schicksal am Strom Jürg Petersen Steuermann Aufruhr der Herzen Einzug ins Paradies TV Series Opa Der vierte Tag Opa Der dritte Tag Opa Der zweite Tag Opa Was soll bloß aus dir werden TV Movie Kohlenotto Familie Birnchen TV Movie Walter Birnchen Hochhausgeschichten TV Series Albert Hartung Alberts Abschied Albert Hartung Groß und Klein Alter Assistent Karlchen durchhalten TV Movie Uncle Seidel Herbstzeit TV Movie Otto Kabulke Fleur Lafontaine Opa Schnedderich Du und icke und Berlin TV Movie Karl Krone Sabine Wulff Onkel Karl Der zweite Mann TV Movie I Die Flucht Schmidts Vater Der kaukasische Kreidekreis TV Movie Alleko Bereschwili Die Leiden des jungen Werthers Pfarrer Hostess Rentner Heinrich Blumen für den Mann im Mond Opa Sielaff Im Schlaraffenland TV Movie Eine Stunde Aufenthalt TV Movie Polizeiruf TV Series Vater Werker Der Mann Vater Werker Suse liebe Suse Herms Alwin auf der Landstraße TV Movie Rektor Voigt Der nackte Mann auf dem Sportplatz Wilhelm Das Geheimnis des Ödipus TV Movie Oberst von Seckentorff Hallo Taxi TV Movie Opa Schneller Ein idealer Gatte TV Movie Earl of Caversham Die Elixiere des Teufels Prior Leonard Der kaukasische Kreidekreis TV Movie Alleko Bereschwili Gartenparty TV Movie Verwandte und Bekannte TV Movie Johann Hardekopf Das Verhör von Habana TV Movie Denn ich sah eine neue Erde TV Mini Series Fernsehpitaval TV Series Sprechen Sie zur Sache Angeklagte Effi Briest TV Movie Vater Briest Rendezvous mit Unbekannt TV Mini Series Froschmann nach Polen Androklus und der Löwe TV Movie Ferrovius Hans Beimler Kamerad TV Mini Series Herr Dengler Teil Herr Dengler Teil Herr Dengler Drei von der K TV Series Juwelier Graf Ginseng Gold und Rattengift Juwelier Graf Die Dame aus Genua TV Movie von Hartenau Wir lassen uns scheiden Opa Koch Wie man Karriere macht TV Movie Mamajew Geheimkommando Ciupaga TV Mini Series Josef Dubienski Teil Josef Dubienski Die Gesichte der Simone Machard TV Movie Honoré Fetain Herzog von Burgund Kleiner Mann was nun TV Movie Der Snob TV Movie Theobald Maske Hochzeitsnacht im Regen Master of Provisions Die Ohrfeige TV Movie Der alte Grosse Ohne Paß in fremden Betten Wilhelm Kabuffke Sozialaristokraten TV Movie Oskar Fiebig Viel Lärm um nichts Holzapfel Maria Magdalena TV Movie Adam Gerichtsdiener Das Stacheltier Kein Problem Short Balthasar Die Hose TV Movie Theobald Maske Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder Feldwebel Die heute über sind Herr Weidtlich Alwin der Letzte Alwin Schmieder Les arrivistes Jean Jacques Rouget Verwirrung der Liebe Taxichauffeur Reportage Vater Kramer Die kleinen Füchse TV Movie Ben Hubbard Klotz am Bein Vater Weber Der Prozeß wird vertagt Gefängnisdirektor Ein Mädchen von ½ Oskar Genz Emilia Galotti Odoardo Galotti Los miserables Le président du tribunal Die Schönste Gustav Wille Der Sheriff TV Movie Jefferson McCourtain Polonia Express Wilhelm Merkel Pygmalion TV Movie Alfred Doolittle Maß für Maß TV Movie Ellenbogen eine einfältige Amtsperson Lissy Vater Schröder Onkelchens Traum oder Eine seltsame Verlobung TV Movie Afanassi Matwejewitsch Das Stacheltier Das Gold in der Ackerstraße Short Albert Lupke Das Stacheltier Der Querkopf Short Fuchs Die Millionen der Yvette Bleichstetter Bankier Das Stacheltier Die Glocke von Coruptica Short Stupola Polizeichef Thomas Müntzer Graf Ernst von Mansfeld Vor Gott und den Menschen Ein Polterabend Rentier Buffy Ernst Thälmann Sohn seiner Klasse Otto Kramer Die Unbesiegbaren Wachtmeister Vogt Mein Herz darfst du nicht fragen Wachtmeister uncredited Die Kreuzlschreiber Bit Part uncredited Die Nacht der Zwölf Affaire Blum Karl Bremer Peter Voss der Millionendieb Taxichauffeur uncredited Die Schenke zur ewigen Liebe Leuchtende Schatten Shiva und die Galgenblume Te confio mi novia Verkehrspolizist Das andere Ich Arbeiter Krach im Vorderhaus uncredited El presidente Krüger Schottischer Offizier beim Angriff der Engländer Alarm Kriminalkommissar Dr Dittmann Das Mädchen von Fanö Hinnerk Das Fräulein von Barnhelm Was wird hier gespielt Rote Mühle La canción del desierto Hafenbeamter Gold in New Frisco Ferguson Flucht ins Dunkel Lagerverwalter Müller Parkstrasse Kommissar Warnke Aufruhr in Damaskus Feldwebel Lemcke Der letzte Appell Notgemeinschaft Hinterhaus Short Altes Herz geht auf die Reise Paul Schlieker La tumba india Ratani Werkmeister Um Kopf und Kragen Short Pour le Mérite Gefängnis Wachhabender Das Leben kann so schön sein Dietrich Noras Abteilungsleiter Mordsache Holm Krim Assistent bei Sartorius Musketier Meier III Feldwebel Nagel Heiratsschwindler Assistent Obermeier Die Holzauktion Short Vuelo en tormenta Huebner Bordmechaniker Die perfekte Sekretärin Short Krach und Glück um Künnemann Paul Lindner Magistratsbeamter El héroe de la pista Dompteur Carasso Heiratsbüro Fortuna Short Der Wachmeister vom Lehrter Bahnhof Donner Blitz und Sonnenschein Ingenieur Poppe Dahinten in der Heide Pohl Gendarm Annemarie Die Geschichte einer jungen Liebe Feldwebel Anatol la ciudad trágica Arbeiter bei Ölbohrungen Der Bettelstudent Kinsky Tierbudenbesitzer Die große und die kleine Welt Werner Schusters Freund Fährmann Maria The Wealthy Landowner Schwarze Rosen Niklander Krach im Hinterhaus Bäckermeister Gustav Kluge Por la patria Kossmann Enamorados Schnaars Gutsverwalter Amphitryon Alles um eine Frau Tim ein verkrachter Artist Oberwachtmeister Schwenke Stunden Short Menschen im Schatten Menschen im Licht Short Die beiden Seehunde Friese Lockvogel Offizier an Bord der 'Adrian Termeer' Herr Kobin geht auf Abenteuer Der fremde Herr Pechmarie Kagel Ein Mann will nach Deutschland Mein Herz ruft nach dir Der Polizeibericht meldet Ihr Mann ein Arbeiter Was gibt's Neues heut Short Inge und die Millionen Arbeiter Ihre Durchlaucht die Verkäuferin Der Kontrolleur El testamento del Dr Mabuse Sprung in den Abgrund Walter Volkmann Ich will Dich Liebe lehren Crepúsculo rojo Seaman Böhm Ich bei Tag und du bei Nacht Polizist Das erste Recht des Kindes Grün ist die Heide Unheimliche Geschichten Kriminalkommissar Mensch ohne Namen Kuhle Wampe oder Wem gehört die Welt Zeitungsleser in der S Bahn Quién es el criminal Fünf von der Jazzband Rasputin Es wird schon wieder besser Polizist Der Stolz der Kompanie Sergeant Schmidt Yorck Der Hauptmann von Köpenick Damals Gefängniswärter uncredited Ich klage an Schlossermeister Rohlfs Sommer Sonne Erika Hans Mierendorff Fiesco Erna Morena Erna Morena Wetterleuchten um Barbara Friedemann Bach Zeremonienmeister des Königs in Dresden uncredited Maria Ilona Obershofmeister Das verlorene Tal Die elf Schill'schen Offiziere Rasputin Bischof von Tobolsk Elisabeth von Österreich Der Fall des Generalstabs Oberst Redl Oberst Umanizky Chef des Evidenzbüros in Wien Rosen blühen auf dem Heidegrab Major Roisson Napoleon auf St Helena Admiral Cockburn Quartier Latin Diener Verirrte Jugend von Holstein Kommandant der Kadettenschule G'schichten aus dem Wienerwald Graf Rüdiger von Wiesberg Freiwild Der Oberst Luther La storia di una piccola Parigina Diener Die Frau ohne Namen Teil Die Frau ohne Namen Teil Wallenstein Teil Wallensteins Tod Octavio Piccolomini Wallenstein Teil Wallensteins Macht Octavio Piccolomini Menschen im Nebel Oriente Scheich Mister Radio Joe Swalzen Za la mort Bildhauer Prof Rudens König Jaromir der Finstere Nelly die Braut ohne Mann Frühlingserwachen Der Mönch von Santarem Irene d'Or Der Mann mit der eisernen Maske Dunkle Gassen Die Königin von Whitechapel Harper Die Tochter Napoleons Brissac Wildnis Der Graf von Essex Lord Southampton Yvette die Modeprinzessin Der Mann aus Stahl Der Fall Gembalsky La tierra en llamas Otelo o El moro de Venecia Montano Aschermittwoch Die Rächer Die Abenteuerin von Monte Carlo Der Mordprozeß Stanley Die Abenteuerin von Monte Carlo Marokkanische Nächte Ibrahim Die Abenteuerin von Monte Carlo Die Geliebte des Schahs Ibrahim Das Handicap der Liebe Jonathan Walpole Das gestohlene Millionenrezept Im Kampf um Diamantenfelder Der Mann im Schrank Die Verschwörung zu Genua Verrino Das Geheimnis der Mumie Grag Lagerström Der Stier von Olivera Rittermeister Marchand Das Drama von Glossow Dein ist mein Herz Gräfin Walewska Duroc Großmarschall Der Shawl der Kaiserin Katherina II Die Frau im Delphin oder Tage auf dem Meeresgrund Gordon Themis Die Dame in Schwarz Gutsbesitzer Rittmeister Vallentin Die Tarantel Der Januskopf Dr Warrens Freund Der rote Henker Richelieu Das Recht der freien Liebe Kämpfende Gewalten oder Welt ohne Krieg Arzt Der Mädchenhirt Crime commissioner Duschitz Ich lasse dich nicht Staatsanwalt Jordan Staatsanwalt Jordan Verlorene Töchter Teil Opfer der Schmach Portier bei Dell Bowman Was den Männern gefällt Der Teufel und die Madonna Die Pflicht zu leben Prinz Kuckuck Die Höllenfahrt eines Wollüstlings Fürst Wladimir Golkow Madame DuBarry Don Diego Vendetta Graf Danella Seelenverkäufer Herr Werre Die Insel der Glücklichen Minister Graf Fallström Kreuzigt sie Was wissen denn Männer Invalide Schultheiss Marschall Vorwärts Kaiser Franz Ein steinreicher Mann Die Koffer des Herrn O F Reisebürodirektor Dreyfus Capt Lauth Bobby der Benzinjunge Prof Junghans Maler Der alte Fritz Ausklang Der alte Apotheker Königin Luise Teil Herzog von Mecklenburg Die heilige Lüge Professor Johanssen Feme Geheimrat Burthe Mata Hari die rote Tänzerin Militär Auditor Schwester Veronica Oberarzt Die Unehelichen Schneider Martens Menschen untereinander Rudloff Juwellier Manón Lescaut Military Commander Des Grieux Hanseaten Desheredados Rottmann Lebende Buddhas In den Krallen der Schuld Mia May Eduard Rothauser Eduard Rothauser Kommerzienrat Lynge Garragan Die Kette klirrt Esterella Liebesbriefe der Baronin von S Baronin von S Tragedias de amor Manon Moreau Der Leidensweg der Inge Krafft Ingeborg Krafft La tumba india La misión del Yogi Irene Amundsen Herberts Braut Fiancée La tumba India El tigre de Esnapur Irene Amundsen Rowlands Braut Fiancée La imagen errante Irmgard Vanderheit Die Schuld der Lavinia Morland Lavinia Morland Der Amönenhof Theodora von Zimburg Die Herrin der Welt Teil Die Rache der Maud Fergusson Maud Gregaards Fergusson Die Herrin der Welt Teil Die Wohltäterin der Menschheit Maud Gregaards Fergusson Die Herrin der Welt Teil Die Frau mit den Millionarden Maud Gregaards Fergusson Pippi Hühnchen Die Herrin der Welt Teil Ophir die Stadt der Vergangenheit Maud Gregaards February 8 – The Orangeburg Massacre occurs during university protest in South Carolina. February 12 – First day of the (wildcat) Memphis Sanitation Strike April 3 – King returns to Memphis; delivers "Mountaintop" speech in support of the workers. April 4 – Martin Luther King, Jr. is shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee. April 4–8 and one on May 1968 – Riots broke out in Chicago, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Louisville, Kansas City, and more than 150 U.S. cities in response to the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.. April 11 – Civil Rights Act of 1968 is signed. The Fair Housing Act is Title VIII of this Civil Rights Act, and bans discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing. The law is passed following a series of Open Housing campaigns throughout the urban North, the most significant being the 1966 Chicago Open Housing Movement and the organized events in Milwaukee during 1967–68. In both cities, angry white mobs had attacked nonviolent protesters.[23][24] May 12 – Poor People's Campaign encamps on the National Mall in Washington, DC. In Powe v. Miles, a federal court holds that the portions of private colleges that are funded by public money are subject to the Civil Rights Act. February 5: Patty Hearst is kidnapped by extremist group Symbionese Liberation Army and joins them, possibly after becoming a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. March–April: Short-lived fad of "streaking" is at its height in the US.[488][489] April 20: Disco music, following the success of "Love Train" a year earlier, again hits number one on the Billboard charts with "TSOP", a clear sign that the post-"sixties counterculture" era is now at hand. The punk rock subculture also traces its genesis to around this time, with groups like Ramones and Television playing the CBGB club in NYC. May 17: Six SLA members are killed fighting police in Los Angeles. Summer: First issue of High Times is published. July 29: Singing star "Mama" Cass Elliot, age 32, dies from heart failure in Mayfair, London.[490] August 8: Facing imminent impeachment, Richard Nixon announces he will resign as President of the United States. Vice President Gerald Ford is sworn in as president on August 9 and declares "our long national nightmare is over." September–December: Police repeatedly quell unrest as desegregation comes to Boston high schools. September 8: President Ford fully pardons former president Nixon. September 16: President Ford offers conditional amnesty to military deserters and evaders of the Vietnam era draft, creating a path for re-entry into the US.[491] December 13: President Ford invites George Harrison to luncheon at the White House.[492] December 21: The New York Times reports that the CIA illegally spied on 10,000 anti-war dissidents under Nixon's presidency.[493][494] 1975[edit] January 1: John Mitchell and three other Watergate conspirators are found guilty and sentenced to prison Feb. 21. January 27: Church Committee: The US Senate votes to begin unprecedented investigation into US intelligence activities, including illegal spying on domestic radicals.[495] January 29: Weather Underground bomb at the US State Department, none injured. February 18: A Anti-nuclear protest of about 300 attendees April 30: Operation Frequent Wind: The last remaining US military and intelligence personnel escape Saigon as South Vietnam is invaded by communist forces, in direct violation of the Peace Accords.[496] May: A Protest on City Hall occurred after a Chinese-American engineer, Peter Yew was beaten by police in New York City Chinatown.[497] August 15: About 100 Native American protesters occupied the Bonneville Power Administration offices in Portland in response to repression by the feds of South Dakota's reservation[498] September 5 & 22: President Ford survives assassination attempts by two women in one month.[499] September 18: Patty Hearst is arrested by the FBI.[500] October 7: A New York State Supreme Court judge reverses the deportation order against John Lennon, allowing Lennon to legally remain in the US.[501] October 11: Saturday Night Live: The counterculture comes of age as George Carlin hosts the first episode of the mainstream TV revue. The long-running series soon features many notable American TV firsts, including open depiction of marijuana use in comedy sketches.[502][503][504] 1977[edit] January 21: Newly inaugurated US President Jimmy Carter unconditionally pardons thousands of Vietnam draft evaders, allowing them to re-enter the US, mostly from Canada.[505] August 16: Elvis Presley, the most significant progenitor of the rock era and an early critic of the counterculture, dies at age 42 from complications of prescription drug abuse in Memphis, TN.[506][507] 1980[edit] December 8: John Lennon, founding member of the Beatles, is murdered by a deranged fan in New York, triggering an outpouring of grief around the world Michael McClure (poet) Barry Miles (author, impresario) Madalyn Murray O'Hair (atheist, activist) Jim Morrison (singer, songwriter, poet) Ralph Nader (consumer advocate, author) Graham Nash (musician, activist) Jack Nicholson (screenwriter, actor) Phil Ochs (protest/topical singer) Richard Pryor (comedian, social critic) Jerry Rubin (Yippie, activist) Mark Rudd (activist) Ed Sanders (musician, activist) Mario Savio (free speech/student rights activist) John Searle (professor, free speech advocate) Pete Seeger (musician, activist) John Sinclair (poet, activist) Gary Snyder (poet, writer, environmentalist) Smothers Brothers (musicians, TV performers, activists) Owsley Stanley (drug culture chemist) Gloria Steinem (feminist, publisher) Hunter S. Thompson (journalist, author) Kurt Vonnegut (author, pacifist, humanist) Andy Warhol (artist) Leonard Weinglass (attorney) Alan Watts (philosopher) John Lennon & Paul McCartney Eric Clapton Reference works[edit] Bashe, Patricia R.; George-Warren, Holly; Pareles, Jon, eds. (2005) [1983]. The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll. New York: Fireside. ISBN 0-7432-9201-4. Brackett, Nathan; Hoard, Christian, eds. (2004) [1979, 1983, 1992]. The New Rolling Stone Album Guide. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-7432-0169-8. Miller, Jim (1980) [1976]. The Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock & Roll. New York: Random House. ISBN 0-394-51322-3. Rolling Stone Cover to Cover – the First 40 Years: Searchable Digital Archive-Every Page, Every Issue. Renton, WA: Bondi Digital Pub. 2007. ISBN 978-0-9795261-0-7. Swenson, John (1985). The Rolling Stone Jazz Record Guide. New York: Rolling Stone. ISBN 0-394-72643-X. International editions[edit] Argentina – Published by Publirevistas S. A. since April 1998. This edition also circulates in Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. Australia – Rolling Stone Australia began as a supplement in 1969 in Go-Set magazine. It became a full title in 1972. It was published by Silvertongues from 1974 to 1987 and by Nextmedia Pty Ltd, Sydney until 2008. Notable editors and contributors include Paul and Jane Gardiner, Toby Creswell, Clinton Walker and Kathy Bail. It is now published by Bauer Media Group and is the longest running international edition. Brazil – Published in Brazil since October 2006 by Spring Comunicações. Bulgaria – Published in Bulgaria since November 2009 by Sivir Publications. Ceased publication as of the August/September 2011 issue. Chile – Published by Edu Comunicaciones from May 2003 to December 2005. Published by El Mercurio from January 2006 to December 2011. China – Rolling Stone in mainland China was licensed to One Media Group of Hong Kong and published in partnership with China Record Corporation in 2006. The magazine was in Chinese with translated articles and local content. It halted publication after one year. Croatia – Published since October 2013 - 2015 by S3 Mediji. This edition also circulates in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. Colombia – Edited in Bogotá for Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Panama and Venezuela, since 1991. France – Launched 2002. This edition temporarily ceased in 2007 and was relaunched in May 2008 under license with 1633SA publishing group. Germany – Published in Germany since 1994 by Axel Springer AG. India – Launched in March 2008 by MW Com, publishers of Man's World magazine. Indonesia – Published in Indonesia since June 2005 by a&e Media. Italy – Published in Italy since 1980. After ceasing publication in 1982, it was relaunched in November 2003, first by IXO Publishing, and then by Editrice Quadratum until April 2014. The magazine is currently published by Luciano Bernardini de Pace Editore.[73] Japan – Launched in March 2007 by International Luxury Media Co., Ltd. (ILM). Published by atomixmedia Inc. (?????????????? KK atomikkusumedia?) During her grandfather's reign, Elizabeth was third in the line of succession to the throne, behind her uncle Edward, Prince of Wales, and her father, the Duke of York. Although her birth generated public interest, she was not expected to become queen, as the Prince of Wales was still young, and many assumed that he would marry and have children of his own.[15] When her grandfather died in 1936 and her uncle succeeded as Edward VIII, she became second-in-line to the throne, after her father. Later that year Edward abdicated, after his proposed marriage to divorced socialite Wallis Simpson provoked a constitutional crisis.[16] Consequently, Elizabeth's father became king, and she became heir presumptive. If her parents had had a later son, she would have lost her position as first-in-line, as her brother would have been heir apparent and above her in the line of succession.[17] Elizabeth received private tuition in constitutional history from Henry Marten, Vice-Provost of Eton College,[18] and learned French from a succession of native-speaking governesses.[19] A Girl Guides company, the 1st Buckingham Palace Company, was formed specifically so that she could socialise with girls her own age.[20] Later, she was enrolled as a Sea Ranger.[19] In 1939, Elizabeth's parents toured Canada and the United States. As in 1927, when her parents had toured Australia and New Zealand, Elizabeth remained in Britain, since her father thought her too young to undertake public tours.[21] Elizabeth "looked tearful" as her parents departed.[22] They corresponded regularly,[22] and she and her parents made the first royal transatlantic telephone call on 18 May.[21] Second World War In September 1939, Britain entered the Second World War, which lasted until 1945. During the war, many of London's children were evacuated to avoid the frequent aerial bombing. The suggestion by senior politician Lord Hailsham[23] that the two princesses should be evacuated to Canada was rejected by Elizabeth's mother, who declared, "The children won't go without me. I won't leave without the King. And the King will never leave."[24] Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret stayed at Balmoral Castle, Scotland, until Christmas 1939, when they moved to Sandringham House, Norfolk.[25] From February to May 1940, they lived at Royal Lodge, Windsor, until moving to Windsor Castle, where they lived for most of the next five years.[26] At Windsor, the princesses staged pantomimes at Christmas in aid of the Queen's Wool Fund, which bought yarn to knit into military garments.[27] In 1940, the 14-year-old Elizabeth made her first radio broadcast during the BBC's Children's Hour, addressing other children who had been evacuated from the cities.[28] She stated: We are trying to do all we can to help our gallant sailors, soldiers and airmen, and we are trying, too, to bear our share of the danger and sadness of war. We know, every one of us, that in the end all will be well.[28] Elizabeth in Auxiliary Territorial Service uniform, April 1945 Princess Elizabeth (left, in uniform) on the balcony of Buckingham Palace with (left to right) her mother Queen Elizabeth, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, King George VI, and Princess Margaret, 8 May 1945 In 1943, at the age of 16, Elizabeth undertook her first solo public appearance on a visit to the Grenadier Guards, of which she had been appointed colonel the previous year.[29] As she approached her 18th birthday, the law was changed so that she could act as one of five Counsellors of State in the event of her father's incapacity or absence abroad, such as his visit to Italy in July 1944.[30] In February 1945, she joined the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service as an honorary second subaltern with the service number of 230873.[31] She trained as a driver and mechanic and was promoted to honorary junior commander five months later.[32][33] At the end of the war in Europe, on Victory in Europe Day, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret mingled anonymously with the celebratory crowds in the streets of London. Elizabeth later said in a rare interview, "We asked my parents if we could go out and see for ourselves. I remember we were terrified of being recognised ... I remember lines of unknown people linking arms and walking down Whitehall, all of us just swept along on a tide of happiness and relief."[34] During the war, plans were drawn up to quell Welsh nationalism by affiliating Elizabeth more closely with Wales. Proposals, such as appointing her Constable of Caernarfon Castle or a patron of Urdd Gobaith Cymru (the Welsh League of Youth), were abandoned for various reasons, which included a fear of associating Elizabeth with conscientious objectors in the Urdd, at a time when Britain was at war.[35] Welsh politicians suggested that she be made Princess of Wales on her 18th birthday. The idea was supported by the Home Secretary, Herbert Morrison, but rejected by the King because he felt such a title belonged solely to the wife of a Prince of Wales and the Prince of Wales had always been the heir apparent.[36] In 1946, she was inducted into the Welsh Gorsedd of Bards at the National Eisteddfod of Wales.[37] In 1947, Princess Elizabeth went on her first overseas tour, accompanying her parents through southern Africa. During the tour, in a broadcast to the British Commonwealth on her 21st birthday, she made the following pledge: I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.[38] Marriage and family Main article: Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh Elizabeth met her future husband, Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, in 1934 and 1937.[39] They are second cousins once removed through King Christian IX of Denmark and third cousins through Queen Victoria. After another meeting at the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth in July 1939, Elizabeth—though only 13 years old—said she fell in love with Philip and they began to exchange letters.[40] Their engagement was officially announced on 9 July 1947.[41] The engagement was not without controversy: Philip had no financial standing, was foreign-born (though a British subject who had served in the Royal Navy throughout the Second World War), and had sisters who had married German noblemen with Nazi links.[42] Marion Crawford wrote, "Some of the King's advisors did not think him good enough for her. He was a prince without a home or kingdom. Some of the papers played long and loud tunes on the string of Philip's foreign origin."[43] Elizabeth's mother was reported, in later biographies, to have opposed the union initially, even dubbing Philip "The Hun".[44] In later life, however, she told biographer Tim Heald that Philip was "an English gentleman".[45] Before the marriage, Philip renounced his Greek and Danish titles, converted from Greek Orthodoxy to Anglicanism, and adopted the style Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, taking the surname of his mother's British family.[46] Just before the wedding, he was created Duke of Edinburgh and granted the style His Royal Highness.[47] Elizabeth and Philip were married on 20 November 1947 at Westminster Abbey. They received 2500 wedding gifts from around the world.[48] Because Britain had not yet completely recovered from the devastation of the war, Elizabeth required ration coupons to buy the material for her gown, which was designed by Norman Hartnell.[49] In post-war Britain, it was not acceptable for the Duke of Edinburgh's German relations, including his three surviving sisters, to be invited to the wedding.[50] The Duke of Windsor, formerly King Edward VIII, was not invited either.[51] Elizabeth gave birth to her first child, Prince Charles, on 14 November 1948. One month earlier, the King had issued letters patent allowing her children to use the style and title of a royal prince or princess, to which they otherwise would not have been entitled as their father was no longer a royal prince.[52] A second child, Princess Anne, was born in 1950.[53] Following their wedding, the couple leased Windlesham Moor, near Windsor Castle, until 4 July 1949,[48] when they took up residence at Clarence House in London. At various times between 1949 and 1951, the Duke of Edinburgh was stationed in the British Crown Colony of Malta as a serving Royal Navy officer. He and Elizabeth lived intermittently, for several months at a time, in the hamlet of Gwardamanga, at Villa Guardamangia, the rented home of Philip's uncle, Lord Mountbatten. The children remained in Britain.[54] Reign Accession and coronation Elizabeth in crown and robes next to her husband in military uniform Coronation portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, June 1953 Coronation of Elizabeth II Main article: Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II During 1951, George VI's health declined and Elizabeth frequently stood in for him at public events. When she toured Canada and visited President Harry S. Truman in Washington, D.C., in October 1951, her private secretary, Martin Charteris, carried a draft accession declaration in case the King died while she was on tour.[55] In early 1952, Elizabeth and Philip set out for a tour of Australia and New Zealand by way of Kenya. On 6 February 1952, they had just returned to their Kenyan home, Sagana Lodge, after a night spent at Treetops Hotel, when word arrived of the death of the King and consequently Elizabeth's immediate accession to the throne. Philip broke the news to the new Queen.[56] Martin Charteris asked her to choose a regnal name; she chose to remain Elizabeth, "of course".[57] She was proclaimed queen throughout her realms and the royal party hastily returned to the United Kingdom.[58] She and the Duke of Edinburgh moved into Buckingham Palace.[59] With Elizabeth's accession, it seemed probable that the royal house would bear her husband's name, becoming the House of Mountbatten, in line with the custom of a wife taking her husband's surname on marriage. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Elizabeth's grandmother, Queen Mary, favoured the retention of the House of Windsor, and so on 9 April 1952 Elizabeth issued a declaration that Windsor would continue to be the name of the royal house. The Duke complained, "I am the only man in the country not allowed to give his name to his own children."[60] In 1960, after the death of Queen Mary in 1953 and the resignation of Churchill in 1955, the surname Mountbatten-Windsor was adopted for Philip and Elizabeth's male-line descendants who do not carry royal titles.[61] Amid preparations for the coronation, Princess Margaret informed her sister that she wished to marry Peter Townsend, a divorcé‚ 16 years Margaret's senior, with two sons from his previous marriage. The Queen asked them to wait for a year; in the words of Martin Charteris, "the Queen was naturally sympathetic towards the Princess, but I think she thought—she hoped—given time, the affair would peter out."[62] Senior politicians were against the match and the Church of England did not permit remarriage after divorce. If Margaret had contracted a civil marriage, she would have been expected to renounce her right of succession.[63] Eventually, she decided to abandon her plans with Townsend.[64] In 1960, she married Antony Armstrong-Jones, who was created Earl of Snowdon the following year. They were divorced in 1978; she did not remarry.[65] Despite the death of Queen Mary on 24 March, the coronation on 2 June 1953 went ahead as planned, as Mary had asked before she died.[66] The ceremony in Westminster Abbey, with the exception of the anointing and communion, was televised for the first time.[67][d] Elizabeth's coronation gown was embroidered on her instructions with the floral emblems of Commonwealth countries:[71] English Tudor rose; Scots thistle; Welsh leek; Irish shamrock; Australian wattle; Canadian maple leaf; New Zealand silver fern; South African protea; lotus flowers for India and Ceylon; and Pakistan's wheat, cotton, and jute.[72] Continuing evolution of the Commonwealth Further information: Historical development of the Commonwealth realms, from the Queen's accession The Commonwealth realms (pink) and their territories and protectorates (red) at the beginning of Elizabeth II's reign A formal group of Elizabeth in tiara and evening dress with eleven politicians in evening dress or national costume. Elizabeth II and Commonwealth leaders at the 1960 Commonwealth Conference, Windsor Castle From Elizabeth's birth onwards, the British Empire continued its transformation into the Commonwealth of Nations.[73] By the time of her accession in 1952, her role as head of multiple independent states was already established.[74] Spanning 1953–54, the Queen and her husband embarked on a six-month around-the-world tour. She became the first reigning monarch of Australia and New Zealand to visit those nations.[75] During the tour, crowds were immense; three-quarters of the population of Australia were estimated to have seen her.[76] Throughout her reign, the Queen has undertaken state visits to foreign countries and tours of Commonwealth ones and she is the most widely travelled head of state.[77] In 1956, French Prime Minister Guy Mollet and British Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden discussed the possibility of France joining the Commonwealth. The proposal was never accepted and the following year France signed the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community, the precursor of the European Union.[78] In November 1956, Britain and France invaded Egypt in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to capture the Suez Canal. Lord Mountbatten claimed the Queen was opposed to the invasion, though Eden denied it. Eden resigned two months later.[79] The absence of a formal mechanism within the Conservative Party for choosing a leader meant that, following Eden's resignation, it fell to the Queen to decide whom to commission to form a government. Eden recommended that she consult Lord Salisbury, the Lord President of the Council. Lord Salisbury and Lord Kilmuir, the Lord Chancellor, consulted the British Cabinet, Winston Churchill, and the Chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee, resulting in the Queen appointing their recommended candidate: Harold Macmillan.[80] The Suez crisis and the choice of Eden's successor led in 1957 to the first major personal criticism of the Queen. In a magazine, which he owned and edited,[81] Lord Altrincham accused her of being "out of touch".[82] Altrincham was denounced by public figures and slapped by a member of the public appalled by his comments.[83] Aleksejs Širovs born – chess player Andris Škele born – politician Prime Minister of Latvia Armands Škele – basketball player Ksenia Solo born – actress Ernests Štalbergs – – architect ensemble of the Freedom Monument Izaks Nahmans Šteinbergs – – politician lawyer and author Maris Štrombergs – BMX cyclist gold medal winner at and Olympics T edit Esther Takeuchi born – materials scientist and chemical engineer Mihails Tals – – the th World Chess Champion Janis Roberts Tilbergs – – painter sculptor U edit Guntis Ulmanis born – president of Latvia Karlis Ulmanis – – prime minister and president of Latvia

abby-lane abby-rode abigail-clayton ada-tauler addie-juniper addison-cain adele-wiesenthal adeline-lange adeline-pollicina adriana-amante adrianna-laurenti adrianna-russo agnes agnes-ardant agnes-zalontai aimee-addison aisha-sun aja aleena-ferari alessandra-schiavo aletta-ocean alexandra-nice alexandria-cass alexa-parks alex-dane alex-foxe alexia-knight alexis-devell alexis-firestone alexis-greco alexis-payne alexis-x alex-storm alex-white aliana-love alice-springs alicia-alighatti alicia-monet alicia-rio alicyn-sterling alighiera-olena ali-moore aline-santos alissa-ashley allysin-chaynes alysin-embers alyssa-love alyssa-reece amanda-addams amanda-blake amanda-blue amanda-jane-adams amanda-rae amanda-stone amanda-tyler amber-hunt amberlina-lynn amber-lynn amber-michaels amber-peach amber-wild amber-woods ambrosia-fox amia-miley ami-rodgers amy-allison amy-brooke amy-rose amy-starz anastasia-christ anastasia-sands andrea-adams andrea-brittian andrea-lange andrea-true andy angel angela-baron angela-summers angel-barrett angel-cash angel-cruz angel-cummings angel-ducharme angelica-sin angelika-reschner angelina-brasini angelina-korrs angelina-valentine angel-kelly angel-long angel-west angie-knight anita-andic anita-blond anita-cannibal anita-dark anna-belle anna-malle anna-nikova anna-pierce anna-ventura anna-veruska anne-bie-warburg anne-libert anne-magle anne-sand annette-haven annie-sprinkle ann-kiray ann-marie-michelle antonia-dorian april-flowers april-may april-west arcadia-lake ariana-bali ariana-jollee arlana-blue ashley-anne ashley-brooks ashley-coda ashley-fires ashley-lauren ashley-long ashley-marie ashley-nicole ashley-perk ashley-renee ashley-robbins ashley-welles ashley-wells ashley-winger ashlyn-gere astrid-bone athena-star aubrey-nichols aurora aurora-snow autumn-bliss autumn-rayne ava-devine ava-lauren avalon ava-marteens avy-lee-roth bailey-monroe bambi-allen barbara-bourbon barbara-boutet barbara-dare barbara-doll barbara-moose barbarella barbie-angel barbie-doll barett-moore bea-fiedler beata beatrice-poggi beatrice-valle becky-savage becky-sunshine belinda-butterfield bella-donna bethany-sweet beverly-bliss beverly-glen biggi-stenzhorn bionca black-widow blond-cat blondi blue-angel bobbi-bliss bobbi-dean bobbie-burns bonnie-holiday brandee brandi-edwards brandy-alexandre brandy-dean brandy-lee brandy-smile brandy-wine bree-anthony breezy-lane brenda-basse briana-blair bridgette-belle bridgette-monet bridgette-monroe bridget-waters brigitte-lahaie brigitte-monnin brigitte-verbecq brittany brittany-stryker britt-corvin britt-morgan bronze brooke-bennett brooke-fields brooke-haven brooke-west brook-van-buuren buffy-davis bunnie-blake bunny-bleu bunny-hatton busty-belle cali-caramel calisyn-heart cameo cameron-love camila-sampaio camilla-rhodes camille-morgan camrie-foxxx candace-daley candi candida-royalle candie-evens candi-summers candy-apples candy-barr candy-hill candy-samples candy-stanton cara-lott caressa-savage carmel-nougat carmen-blonde carmen-de-la-torre carmen-moore carmen-rose carol-connors carol-cross carol-cummings carole-dubois carole-gire carole-pierac carol-titian carolyn-connoly carolyn-monroe carrie-cruise cassandra-leigh cassidy cassie-courtland cataline-bullock catherine-count catherine-crystal catherine-ringer catherine-tailleferre cathy-delorme cathy-menard cathy-stewart celeste-fox celine-gallone chanel-preston chanel-price chantal-virapin chanta-rose chantelle-stevens charisma charisma-cole charlie-latour charlie-waters charlotte-de-castille charmane-star chasey-lain chayse-manhattan chaz-vincent chelsea-sinclaire chennin-blanc cheri-janvier cheri-taylor cherry-hill chessie-moore cheyenne-hunter cheyenne-silver china-lee china-leigh china-moon chloe-cruize chloe-dior chloe-kez chloe-stevens chris-collins chris-jordan chris-petersen chrissie-beauchamp christa-abel christa-ludwig christie-ford christi-lake christina-berg christina-blond christina-evol christina-skye christine-black christine-chavert christine-neona christine-rigoler christy-canyon cicciolina cindi-stephens cindy-carver cindy-crawford cindy-more cindy-shepard cindy-wong cinthya-marinho clair-dia claire-robbins claude-janna claudia-jackson claudia-jamsson claudia-mehringer claudia-nero claudia-van-statt claudia-zante claudine-beccarie clea-carson cleo-nichole cleo-patra cody-lane cody-love cody-nicole coffee-brown colleen-brennan connie-bennett connie-peterson constance-money copper-penny coreena corey-everson corinne-lemoine corneliah cory-everson cory-wolf courtney courtney-cummz courtney-james cris-cassidy crissy-moran cris-taliana crystal-breeze crystal-dawn crystal-holland crystal-knight crystal-lake crystal-lovin crystal-sync csilla-kalnay cuban-bee cynara-fox cyndee-summers cynthia-black cynthia-brooks cynthia-hammers cynthia-lavigne dagmar-lost daisy-layne dallas-miko dana-dylan dana-lynn danica-rhea daniela-nanou daniela-schiffer daniele-troeger daniella daniella-schiffer danielle danielle-foxxx danielle-rodgers danny-ricci danyel-cheeks daphne daphne-rosen darby-lloyd-rains darla-crane darla-delovely davia-ardell dayton-rain debbie-northrup debbie-revenge debbie-van-gils debi-diamond debi-jointed debra-lynn deidra-hopkins deidre-holland delania-raffino delia-moore delphine-thail delta-force delta-white demi-moor denice-klarskov denise-derringer denise-dior denise-sloan desiree-cousteau desiree-foxx desiree-lane desiree-west deva-station devin-devasquez devinn-lane devon-shire dia diana-holt diana-kisabonyi diana-siefert diana-stevenson diane-dubois diane-richards diane-sloan diane-suresne dido-angel dillan-lauren dina-deville dina-jewel dina-pearl ditty-blue diva divinity-love djiana dolly-darkley dominique dominique-dewitt dominique-saint-claire donna-hart donna-marie dorle-buchner dorothy-lemay dorothy-onan drea drimla dru-berrymore dusty-rose dyanna-lauren ebony-ayes edina-blond edita-ungerova edwige-faillel eileen-wells elaine-southern elena-berkova elena-maria-ricci eleonore-melzer elisabeth-bure elis-black elise elise-di-medici elle-devyne elle-rio elodie-delage elsa-maroussia elza-brown emili-doll emily-evermoore emily-george emily-jewel emmanuelle-pareze envy-mi erica-boyer erica-eaton erica-havens erica-idol erica-lauren erika-bella erika-cool erika-heaven erika-lockett esme-monroe eva-allen eva-angel eva-dionisio eva-gross eva-kleber eva-lux eva-uettori eve-laurence evelyne-lang evie-delatosso fabiana-venturi faith-stevens fallon fanny-garreau fanny-steel faye-runaway flame flick-shagwell flore-soller flower france-lomay france-quenie francoise frankie-leigh gabriella gabriella-mirelba gabriella-vincze gail-force gail-palmer gail-sterling georgette-saunders georgia-peach georgina-spelvin gia-givanna gianna-lynn gili-sky gina-carrera gina-gianetti gina-janssen gina-lee gina-martell gina-valentino ginger-jay ginger-lee ginger-lynn ginny-noack giovanna gisela-schwarz giselle-monet gladys-laroche gloria-leonard gloria-todd golden-jade greta-carlson greta-milos guia-lauri-filzi gwenda-farnel hare-krane harley-raine hayley-jade hazel-young heather-deeley heather-ellis heather-hart heather-lere heather-lyn heather-manfield heather-thomas heather-torrance heather-wayne heather-young helen-madigan helen-thomas helga-sven helga-wild hillary-summers holly-hollywood holly-joy holly-page holly-ryder honey-winter hottie-hollie hyapatia-lee ida-fabry ildiko-smits illana-moor ines-ridere ingrid-choray isabella-dior isabella-soprano isabelle-allay isabelle-brell isabelle-marchall isobel-wren iveta ivette-blanche jackie-right jacqueline-lorians jacy-allen jada-stevens jade-east jade-hsu jade-marcela jade-summers jade-wong jahn-gold jamie-brooks jamie-james jamie-summers jana-irrova jana-mrazkova jane-baker jane-darling jane-iwanoff jane-lindsay jane-lixx janet-jacme janey-robbins jasmine-delatori jayden-simone jaylyn-rose jayna-woods jazella-moore jazmin-luna-gold jean-afrique jeanette-littledove jeanie-marie-sullivan jean-jennings jeanna-fine jeannie-pepper jenna-jameson jenna-jane jenna-presley jenna-wells jennifer-haussmann jennifer-janes jennifer-jordan jennifer-morante jennifer-noxt jennifer-stewart jennifer-welles jennifer-west jenny jenny-feeling jenny-fields jenny-wings jersey-jaxin jesie-st-james jesse-capelli jessica-bangkok jessica-bogart jessica-darlin jessica-fiorentino jessica-gabriel jessica-laine jessica-may jessica-road jessica-wylde jessi-foster jill-ferari jill-kelly joana-redgrave joan-devlon joanna-storm joanna-sweet jody-maxwell joelle-lequement joelle-petinot johnni-black jordana-james jordan-green jordan-nevaeh jordan-star josephine-carrington joslyn-james julia-chanel julia-dal-fuoco juliana-grandi julia-paes julia-parton julia-perrin julia-swen julia-thomas julie-meadows julie-rage julie-simone juliet-anderson juliet-graham juliette-carelton kacey-jordan kagney-linn-karter kaitlyn-ashley kalena-rios kami-andrews kamila-smith kandee-licks kandi-barbour kapri-styles kara-nox karen-summer kari-foxx karine-gambier karin-schubert karli-sweet karmen-kennedy karol-castro kascha kassi-nova kat kate-frost kate-jones kathia-nobili kathleen-gentry kathleen-white kathy-divan kathy-harcourt kathy-heart kathy-kash katie-cummings katja-love kat-langer katrina-isis katrina-kraven katy-borman katy-caro kaycee-dean kayla-kupcakes kay-parker k-c-valentine keama-kim keira-moon keisha keli-richards kelli-tyler kelly-adams kelly-blue kelly-broox kelly-hearn kelly-kay kelly-kline kelly-nichols kelly-royce kelly-skyline kendra-kay kenzi-marie keri-windsor ketthy-divan kianna-dior kiley-heart kim-alexis kimber-blake kimberly-carson kimberly-kane kimberly-kyle kim-de-place kim-holland kimi-gee kimkim-de kim-kitaine kimmie-lee kimmy-nipples kina-kara kira-eggers kira-red kirsty-waay kitty-langdon kitty-lynxxx kitty-marie kitty-shayne kitty-yung kora-cummings kris-lara krista-lane krista-maze kristara-barrington kristarah-knight kristi-klenot kristina-blonde kristina-king kristina-klevits kristina-soderszk kristine-heller kristin-steen krisztina-ventura krystal-de-boor krystal-steal kylee-karr kylee-nash kylie-brooks kylie-channel kylie-haze kylie-wylde kym-wilde kyoto-sun lachelle-marie lacy-rose lady-amanda-wyldefyre lady-stephanie laetitia-bisset lana-burner lana-cox lana-wood lara-amour lara-roxx lara-stevens lataya-roxx latoya laura-clair laura-lazare laura-lion laura-may laura-orsolya laura-paouck laura-zanzibar lauren-black laurence-boutin lauren-montgomery laurien-dominique laurien-wilde laurie-smith lauryl-canyon lauryn-may leah-wilde lea-magic lea-martini leanna-foxxx lee-caroll leigh-livingston leilani lenora-bruce leslie-winston lesllie-bovee letizia-bruni lexi-lane lexi-matthews lezley-zen lia-fire liliane-gray liliane-lemieuvre lili-marlene lily-gilder lily-labeau lily-rodgers lily-valentine linda-shaw linda-vale linda-wong linnea-quigley lisa-bright lisa-de-leeuw lisa-k-loring lisa-lake lisa-melendez lisa-sue-corey lise-pinson little-oral-annie liza-dwyer liza-harper lizzy-borden logan-labrent lois-ayres lola-cait long-jean-silver loni-bunny loni-sanders loona-luxx lorelei-lee lorelei-rand lorena-sanchez lori-alexia lori-blue lorrie-lovett luci-diamond lucie-doll lucie-theodorova lucy-van-dam lydia-baum lynn-franciss lynn-lemay lynn-ray lynn-stevens lynx-canon lysa-thatcher madelina-ray madison-parker magdalena-lynn maggie-randall mai-lin mandi-wine mandy-bright mandy-malone mandy-may mandy-mistery mandy-starr marcia-minor maren margit-ojetz margitta-hofer margo-stevens margot-mahler mariah-cherry marianne-aubert maria-tortuga marie-anne marie-christine-chireix marie-christine-veroda marie-claude-moreau marie-dominique-cabannes marie-france-morel marie-luise-lusewitz marie-sharp marilyn-chambers marilyne-leroy marilyn-gee marilyn-jess marilyn-martyn marilyn-star marina-hedman marion-webb marita-ekberg marita-kemper marlena marlene-willoughby marry-queen martine-grimaud martine-schultz maryanne-fisher mary-hubay mary-ramunno mary-stuart mascha-mouton maud-kennedy mauvais-denoir maxine-tyler maya-black maya-france megan-leigh megan-martinez megan-reece mei-ling melanie-hotlips melanie-scott melba-cruz melinda-russell melissa-bonsardo melissa-del-prado melissa-golden melissa-martinez melissa-melendez melissa-monet mercedes-dragon mercedes-lynn merle-michaels mesha-lynn mia-beck mia-lina mia-smiles michele-raven michelle-aston michelle-ferrari michelle-greco michelle-maren michelle-maylene michelle-monroe micki-lynn mika-barthel mika-tan mikki-taylor mimi-morgan mindy-rae ming-toy miranda-stevens miss-bunny miss-meadow miss-pomodoro missy missy-graham missy-stone missy-vega misti-jane mistress-candice misty-anderson misty-dawn misty-rain misty-regan mona-lisa mona-page moni monica-baal monica-swinn monika-peta monika-sandmayr monika-unco monique-bruno monique-cardin monique-charell monique-demoan monique-gabrielle monique-la-belle morgan-fairlane morrigan-hel moxxie-maddron mulani-rivera mysti-may nadege-arnaud nadia-styles nadine-bronx nadine-proutnal nadine-roussial nadi-phuket nanci-suiter nancy-hoffman nancy-vee natacha-delyro natalia-wood natalli-diangelo natascha-throat natasha-skyler naudia-nyce nessa-devil nessy-grant nesty nicki-hunter nicky-reed nicole-berg nicole-bernard nicole-black nicole-grey nicole-london nicole-parks nicole-scott nicole-taylor nicolette-fauludi nicole-west nika-blond nika-mamic niki-cole nikita-love nikita-rush nikki-charm nikki-grand nikki-king nikki-knight nikki-randall nikki-rhodes nikki-santana nikki-steele nikki-wilde niko nina-cherry nina-deponca nina-hartley nina-preta oana-efria obaya-roberts olesja-derevko olga-cabaeva olga-conti olga-pechova olga-petrova olivia-alize olivia-del-rio olivia-flores olivia-la-roche olivia-outre ophelia-tozzi orchidea-keresztes orsolya-blonde paige-turner paisley-hunter pamela-bocchi pamela-jennings pamela-mann pamela-stanford pamela-stealt pandora paola-albini pascale-vital pat-manning pat-rhea patricia-dale patricia-diamond patricia-kennedy patricia-rhomberg patrizia-predan patti-cakes patti-petite paula-brasile paula-harlow paula-morton paula-price paula-winters pauline-teutscher penelope-pumpkins penelope-valentin petra-hermanova petra-lamas peyton-lafferty phaedra-grant pia-snow piper-fawn pipi-anderson porsche-lynn porsha-carrera precious-silver priscillia-lenn purple-passion queeny-love rachel-ashley rachel-love rachel-luv rachel-roxxx rachel-ryan rachel-ryder racquel-darrian rane-revere raven reagan-maddux rebecca-bardoux regan-anthony regine-bardot regula-mertens reina-leone reka-gabor renae-cruz renee-foxx renee-lovins renee-morgan renee-perez renee-summers renee-tiffany rhonda-jo-petty rikki-blake riley-ray rio-mariah rita-ricardo roberta-gemma roberta-pedon robin-byrd robin-cannes robin-everett robin-sane rochell-starr rosa-lee-kimball rosemarie roxanne-blaze roxanne-hall roxanne-rollan ruby-richards sabina-k sabre sabrina-chimaera sabrina-dawn sabrina-jade sabrina-johnson sabrina-love-cox sabrina-mastrolorenzi sabrina-rose sabrina-scott sabrina-summers sacha-davril sahara sahara-sands sai-tai-tiger samantha-fox samantha-ryan samantha-sterlyng samantha-strong samueline-de-la-rosa sandra-cardinale sandra-de-marco sandra-kalermen sandra-russo sandy-lee sandy-pinney sandy-reed sandy-samuel sandy-style sandy-summers sara-brandy-canyon sara-faye sarah-bernard sarah-cabrera sarah-hevyn sarah-mills sarah-shine sara-sloane sasha sasha-hollander sasha-ligaya sasha-rose satine-phoenix satin-summer savannah-stern savanna-jane scarlet-scarleau scarlet-windsor seka selena serena serena-south severine-amoux shana-evans shanna-mccullough shannon-kelly shannon-rush shantell-day sharon-da-vale sharon-kane sharon-mitchell shaun-michelle shawna-sexton shawnee-cates shay-hendrix shayne-ryder sheena-horne sheer-delight shelby-star shelby-stevens shelly-berlin shelly-lyons sheri-st-clair sheyla-cats shonna-lynn shyla-foxxx shy-love sierra-sinn sierra-skye sigrun-theil silver-starr silvia-bella silvia-saint silvie-de-lux silvy-taylor simone-west sindee-coxx sindy-lange sindy-shy siobhan-hunter skylar-knight skylar-price skyler-dupree smokie-flame smoking-mary-jane solange-shannon sonya-summers sophia-santi sophie-call sophie-duflot sophie-evans sophie-guers stacey-donovan stacy-lords stacy-moran stacy-nichols stacy-silver stacy-thorn starla-fox starr-wood stefania-bruni stella-virgin stephanie-duvalle stephanie-rage stephanie-renee stevie-taylor summer-knight summer-rose sunny-day sunset-thomas sunshine-seiber susan-hart susanne-brend susan-nero susi-hotkiss suzanne-mcbain suzan-nielsen suzie-bartlett suzie-carina suzi-sparks sweet-nice sweety-pie sybille-rossani sylvia-benedict sylvia-bourdon sylvia-brand sylvia-engelmann syreeta-taylor syren-de-mer syvette szabina-black szilvia-lauren tai-ellis taija-rae taisa-banx talia-james tamara-lee tamara-longley tamara-n-joy tamara-west tami-white tammy tammy-lee tammy-reynolds tania-lorenzo tantala-ray tanya-danielle tanya-fox tanya-foxx tanya-lawson tanya-valis tara-aire tasha-voux tatjana-belousova tatjana-skomorokhova tawnee-lee tawny-pearl tayla-rox taylor-wane teddi-austin teddi-barrett tera-bond tera-heart tera-joy teresa-may teresa-orlowski teri-diver teri-weigel terri-dolan terri-hall tess-ferre tess-newheart thais-vieira tia-cherry tianna tiara tiffany-blake tiffany-clark tiffany-duponte tiffany-rayne tiffany-rousso tiffany-storm tiffany-towers tiffany-tyler tiger-lily tigr timea-vagvoelgyi tina-blair tina-burner tina-evil tina-gabriel tina-loren tina-marie tina-russell tish-ambrose tommi-rose tonisha-mills topsy-curvey tori-secrets tori-sinclair tori-welles tracey-adams traci-lords traci-topps traci-winn tracy-duzit tracy-love tracy-williams tricia-devereaux tricia-yen trinity-loren trisha-rey trista-post trixie-tyler ultramax ursula-gaussmann ursula-moore uschi-karnat valentina valerie-leveau valery-hilton vanessa-chase vanessa-del-rio vanessa-michaels vanessa-ozdanic vanilla-deville velvet-summers veri-knotty veronica-dol veronica-hart veronica-hill veronica-rayne veronica-sage veronika-vanoza via-paxton vicky-lindsay vicky-vicci victoria-evans victoria-gold victoria-knight victoria-luna victoria-paris victoria-slick victoria-zdrok viper virginie-caprice vivian-valentine vivien-martines wendi-white wendy-divine whitney-banks whitney-fears whitney-wonders wonder-tracey wow-nikki xanthia-berstein yasmine-fitzgerald yelena-shieffer yvonne-green zara-whites zsanett-egerhazi zuzie-boobies

Fräulein Zahnarzt Die Herrin der Welt Teil König Macombe Maud Gregaards Die Herrin der Welt Teil Der Rabbi von Kuan Fu Maud Gregaards Die Herrin der Welt Teil Die Geschichte der Maud Gregaards Maud Gregaards La dueña del mundo Maud Gregaards Veritas vincit Helena Ellinor Komtessa Helene Die platonische Ehe Die Bettelgräfin Ulla Dulters Ihr großes Geheimnis Tatjana Fünf Minuten zu spät Short Jana Vermöhlen Liebe kann wie Gift sein Stresemann Gen von Seeckt Waldwinter Diener Baumann Roman einer Siebzehnjährigen Oberwachtmeister Borck Polizeirat Mein Herz darfst du nicht fragen Diener Postlagernd Turteltaube La balada de Berlín uncredited Das kleine Hofkonzert Kolberg Adjutant des Generals Loucadou Die Affäre Rödern Herr von Sponseck Der Verteidiger hat das Wort Besatzung Dora Oberleutnant Der Unendliche Weg Kleine Residenz Major von Stadelfing Der Fall Rainer El gran rey Gen Tauentzien uncredited Stukas Spähtrupp Hallgarten Major El judio Suss Wie konntest Du Veronika Major a D Thorwald Die Rothschilds uncredited Angelika Dein Leben gehört mir Dr Hasse Sensationsprozess Casilla Polizeiinspektor vor Gericht Drei Väter um Anna Un patriota Stabsoffizier des Fahnenregiments War es der im Stock Harder Kriminalrat Dreizehn Mann und eine Kanone Pour le Mérite Capt Reinwald Eine Nacht im Mai Ein Polizist der den Tatbestand aufnimmt Gastspiel im Paradies uncredited Emisora secreta L B Ein General Mitarbeiter des Kriegsministers Bajo palabra de honor Hauptmann Falk Vuelo en tormenta Ein Flugkapitän in Hannover Señales en la noche Oberleutnant Rickert Friedrich Forberg Helmut Alice Hechy Alice Hechy Helga Larhr as Alice Scheel Hechy Frida Richard Frida Richard Wer war's Dynamit Dynamit Die Stimme des Toten Die verschleierte Dame Die Standuhr Bruno Kastner Tingel Tangel Fox Blues Das Land des Lächelns Gustl Carnival of Crime Mein Freund Harry Luigi Vicelli Silenciosa acusación Freiwild Oberleutnant von Karinski Luther Ulrich von Hutten Du sollst nicht stehlen Robert Erler Die Pflicht zu schweigen Dr Garonder El diamante del Zar Großfürst Alexander Alexandrowitsch Die Dame mit dem Tigerfell Graf Charles Bremer Las piernas más bonitas de Berlín La cigarra y la hormiga Die Bräutigame der Babette Bomberling Duce Spina Spontelli Seine Hoheit der Eintänzer Otto Mansperg Es blasen die Trompeten Die geschiedene Frau Lucas van Deesteldonck Gerichtspräsident Wien Berlin Grollmanns Sohn Joachim Wehe wenn sie losgelassen Arved Angerapp Die Brüder Schellenberg Kaczinsky Die vom anderen Ufer Die Aßmanns Ernst Aßmann Der Liebeskäfig Wenn Du eine Tante hast Schauspieler Der Mann der sich verkauft Graf Harden Die vertauschte Braut Percy Die Frau mit dem Etwas Felix Müller genannt Don Rodrigo Die drei Portiermädel Hans Brandstetter Der Flug um den Erdball Teil Indien Europa Der Flug um den Erdball Teil Paris bis Ceylon Aufstieg der kleinen Lilian Die Bacchantin Komödianten des Lebens Soll und Haben Fritz von Fink Königsliebchen Colibri Reginald Das Paradies im Schnee Edwin Das Geheimnis von Schloß Ronay Die Lüge eines Sommers Wenn die Maske fällt Der Bekannte Unbekannte Robert Kingston Der Silberkönig Teil Rochesterstreet Der Silberkönig Teil Claim Der Silberkönig Teil Der Mann der Tat Der Silberkönig Teil Der März Wilfried Denver Alfred von Ingelheims Lebensdrama Alfred von Ingelheim Der wird geheiratet Verbotene Liebe Der König von Paris Teil Die Geschichte des André Lifou Andr' Lifou Der König von Paris Teil Die Geschichte des André Lifou André Lifou Allerseelen Artistentreue Das Herz des Casanova Der letzte Sonnensohn Horos Der Schwur Der Weltmeister Eines Mannes Wort Nur ein Diener Die goldene Lüge Die Bodega von Los Cuerros Das Gerücht Der Gattestellvertreter Die Ehe der Charlotte von Brakel Strandgut oder Die Rache des Meeres Fünf Minuten zu spät Short Die Buchhalterin Alex Töpfer Die Fürstin von Beranien Das Geschäft Erwin Kersten Die Hochzeit im Excentricclub Tingel Tangel Fox Blues Das Land des Lächelns Gustl Carnival of Crime Mein Freund Harry Luigi Vicelli Silenciosa acusación Freiwild Oberleutnant von Karinski Luther Ulrich von Hutten Du sollst nicht stehlen Robert Erler Die Pflicht zu schweigen Dr Garonder El diamante del Zar Großfürst Alexander Alexandrowitsch Die Dame mit dem Tigerfell Graf Charles Bremer Las piernas más bonitas de Berlín La cigarra y la hormiga Die Bräutigame der Babette Bomberling Duce Spina Spontelli Seine Hoheit der Eintänzer Otto Mansperg Es blasen die Trompeten Die geschiedene Frau Lucas van Deesteldonck Gerichtspräsident Wien Berlin Grollmanns Sohn Joachim Wehe wenn sie losgelassen Arved Angerapp Die Brüder Schellenberg Kaczinsky Die vom anderen Ufer Die Aßmanns Ernst Aßmann Der Liebeskäfig Wenn Du eine Tante hast Schauspieler Der Mann der sich verkauft Graf Harden Die vertauschte Braut Percy Die Frau mit dem Etwas Felix Müller genannt Don Rodrigo Die drei Portiermädel Hans Brandstetter Der Flug um den Erdball Teil Indien Europa Der Flug um den Erdball Teil Paris bis Ceylon Aufstieg der kleinen Lilian Die Bacchantin Komödianten des Lebens Soll und Haben Fritz von Fink Königsliebchen Colibri Reginald Das Paradies im Schnee Edwin Das Geheimnis von Schloß Ronay Die Lüge eines Sommers Wenn die Maske fällt Der Bekannte Unbekannte Robert Kingston Der Silberkönig Teil Rochesterstreet Der Silberkönig Teil Claim Der Silberkönig Teil Der Mann der Tat Der Silberkönig Teil Der März Wilfried Denver Alfred von Ingelheims Lebensdrama Alfred von Ingelheim Der wird geheiratet Verbotene Liebe Der König von Paris Teil Die Geschichte des André Lifou Andr' Lifou Der König von Paris Teil Die Geschichte des André Lifou André Lifou Allerseelen Artistentreue Das Herz des Casanova Der letzte Sonnensohn Horos Der Schwur Der Weltmeister Eines Mannes Wort Nur ein Diener Die goldene Lüge Die Bodega von Los Cuerros Das Gerücht Der Gattestellvertreter Die Ehe der Charlotte von Brakel Strandgut oder Die Rache des Meeres Fünf Minuten zu spät Short Die Buchhalterin Alex Töpfer Die Fürstin von Beranien Das Geschäft Erwin Kersten Die Hochzeit im Excentricclub Die schwarze Loo Für die Ehre des Vaters Lori Co Käthe Haack Bruno Kastner Bruno Kastner Leopoldine Konstantin Leopoldine Konstantin Hans Mierendorff Hans Mierendorff Das Mädchen Juanita Rechtsanwalt Wetterkopp Floh im Ohr Gastwirt Gustav Der große Schatten Hieronymus Mildner Weiße Wäsche Gastwirt Rembrandt Jakko U Boote westwärts Vater Griesbach Carl Peters Consul Oswald in Zanzibar Der Trichter Nr Short Das Herz der Königin Der Fuchs von Glenarvon Vater O'Morrow Rote Mühle Sensationsprozess Casilla Richter Corbett Canitoga Shatterhand Napoleon tiene la culpa Revue Dichter Caucho Der Lordkanzler Mordsache Holm Delogierter Hotelgast Augenzeugen Short Zweimal zwei im Himmelbett Federico el Grande von Treskow Kammerherr Arzt aus Leidenschaft Direktor Kreyser Heiteres und Ernstes um den großen König Short Invalide Den Zahn laß Dir man ziehen Short Der höhere Befehl Earl of Beckhurst Der mutige Seefahrer Jan ein Matrose Wenn ich König wär Torrington Das Meer ruft Peters Kapitän der 'Carola' Un flaps un clinch y un bebé La bailarina de Sans Souci Der alte Dessauer Namensheirat Gen Dir Niedergesäß Das Land des Lächelns Der Gesandte ihr Vater Gigolo Pancérové auto Sam Hamilton La princesa del caviar Finanzmagnet Dich hab ich geliebt Director Sommer Madame Lu die Frau für diskrete Beratung Die Abenteurer G m b H Marglin Chef des Geheimdienstes Nachtgestalten Gaunerliebchen Morland Mary Lou Großfürst Dimitri Notschrei hinter Gittern Die Sünderin Odettes Vater Gefährdete Mädchen Jahrmarkt des Lebens Benno Stehkragen Der größte Gauner des Jahrhunderts Alberto Dorna ein Bankier Die Tochter des Kunstreiters Le train sans yeux Der falsche Prinz Wolfs Vater La última noche Senator Jensen Liebesreigen Präsident Hessenberg Bigamie Manager La cigarra y la hormiga Königin Luise Teil Die Jugend der Königin Luise König Friedrich Wilhelm II U Weddigen Fritzs Onkel Hotelratten Mister Bellmann Liebeshandel Der fesche Erzherzog Vater werden ist nicht schwer Thomas A Unterberry Kansas City Staatsanwalt Jordan Staatsanwalt Jordan Die versunkene Flotte Kapitän des Großherzog Die Flucht in den Zirkus Der gute Ruf Der Liebe Lust und Leid Unser täglich Brot Tagger Aus des Rheinlands Schicksalstagen Franz Großmann Großindustrieller Der Ritt in die Sonne Marquis d'Orsay Die zweite Mutter Ernst v Schönwald Der Trödler von Amsterdam Das Geheimnis der alten Mamsell Konsul van Dekker Der Mann der sich verkauft Großindustrieller Jan Bracca O alte Burschenherrlichkeit Husarenfieber Der Hahn im Korb Romberg Bankier Der Demütige und die Tänzerin Fabrikant Liesegang Die Motorbraut Johann Amberg Die Bacchantin Mensch gegen Mensch Mädchen die man nicht heiratet Er Soll und Haben T O Schröter Der Mitternachtszug Der Halunkengeiger Der schwarze Stern Der schlummernde Vulkan Kinder der Finsternis Kämpfende Welten Enrico Flori Der Kampf um die Heimat Short Kinder der Finsternis Der Mann aus Neapel Enrico Flori Die Nacht ohne Morgen Rechtsanwalt Coborn Die Verschwörung zu Genua Fiesco Ich bin Du Prof Olaf Bruhn Erik Olthov Herztrumpf Dühringer jr Whitechapel Fred Hopkins Die Maske des Todes Das Geheimnis der Zisterne César de Artois Die Maske des Todes Der Mann mit dem Silberskelett Der weisse Pfau Crossin Field Der Mann im Nebel Harry Higgs detektiv Die Herrin der Welt Teil Die Rache der Maud Fergusson Baron Murphy Die Herrin der Welt Teil Die Wohltäterin der Menschheit Baron Murphy Die Herrin der Welt Teil König Macombe Die Herrin der Welt Teil Die Geschichte der Maud Gregaards Baron Murphy Dr Frohner La dueña del mundo Murphy Verschleppt Die Teufelskirche Pfarrer Dr Humsons Lebenswerk Harry Higgs Der Gast aus der vierten Dimension Harry Higgs Detective Der goldene Pol Harry Higgs Das Opfer Nur um Dollar Harry Higgs Die sterbenden Perlen Harry Higgs Hilde Warren und der Tod Intendant Hans von Wengraf Das Mysterium des Schlosses Claude Harry Higgs Arme Eva Maria Der Ring des Schicksals Asta Nielsen Miss May Hans Mierendorff Hans Mierendorff Sir John Wolton Eugenie Werner Eugenie Werner Miss Hobbs Louis Ralph Louis Ralph Mr Herbert Bruce Carl Clewing Carl Clewing Max Frau Karsten Frau Karsten Maxs Braut Grete Rest of cast listed alphabetically Hanns Kräly Hanns Kräly Agda Nilsson Agda Nilsson Stubenmädchen MiziDas Geheimnis der Herzogin Eugen Onegin Olga Lucas Kapitel Die tolle Heirat von Laló Das fidele Gefängnis Mizi die Magd Der standhafte Benjamin Short Stein unter Steinen Der fremde Vogel Stubenmädchen Mizi Die Dewadâsi Nächte des Grauens Mein ist die Rache Harry Higgs Der gelbe Ulster Ein einsam Grab Fürst Heinz von der Esche Wie ich Detektiv wurde Vater Der Radiumraub Ein Blatt Papier Gutsbesitzer Nebel und Sonne Das goldene Friedelchen Ein Gruss aus der Tiefe Short Fluch der Schönheit Adoptivkind Wenn Wunden heilen Short Fräulein Leutnant Evinrude Oberst a D von Wentheim Die Eisbraut Jugend und Tollheit Short Peter von Prangen Der Herr des Todes Der Dritte Der fremde Vogel Sir John Wolton Der Brief an den lieben Gott Short Heinrich Schroth Heinrich Schroth Rudolf Das Klima von Vancourt Ein Lichtstrahl im Dunkel Der Maler Das Rätsel der Stahlkammer Der schwarze Chauffeur Graf Hans Rochus von Friedeneck Der Onyxknopf Hilde Warren und der Tod Hector Roger Katharina Karaschkin Die Kaukasierin Ingenieur Mertens Das Gewissen des Andern Der Erbe von 'Het Steen' Die Bettlerin von St Marien Graf Fröben Dorrits Eheglück Der Radiumraub Dynamit Engeleins Hochzeit Redaktor Schneider Die Stimme des Toten Dorittchens Vergnügungsreise Geliebter Arthur Imhoff Die Tochter der Landstraße Das Schicksal der Gabriele Stark Die schwarze Loo Für die Ehre des Vaters Lori Co Rudolf Das Klima von Vancourt Ein Lichtstrahl im Dunkel Asta Nielsen Jesta Alfred Kuehne Alfred Kuehne Redakteur Schneider Max Landa Max Landa Peter J Schneider Fred Immler Fred Immler Theodor Schiebstaedt as Fredy Immler Bruno Kastner Bruno Kastner Hanns Kräly Hanns Kräly Hauslehrer Adele Reuter Eichberg Adele Reuter Eichberg Meta Schiebstaedt Martin Wolff Martin Wolff Erner Huebsch Erner Huebsch Der Maler Das Rätsel der Stahlkammer Der schwarze Chauffeur Graf Hans Rochus von Friedeneck Der Onyxknopf Hilde Warren und der Tod Hector Roger Katharina Karaschkin Die Kaukasierin Ingenieur Mertens Das Gewissen des Andern Der Erbe von 'Het Steen' Die Bettlerin von St Marien Graf Fröben Dorrits Eheglück Der Radiumraub Dynamit Engeleins Hochzeit Redaktor Schneider Die Stimme des Toten Dorittchens Vergnügungsreise Geliebter Arthur Imhoff Die Tochter der Landstraße Das Schicksal der Gabriele Stark Werner Engelein Short Alwin Neuß Alwin Neuß Und das Licht erlosch Short Die Stimme des Toten Die verschleierte Dame Die Standuhr Und das Licht erlosch Short Beatrice Altenhofer Olga Engl Olga Engl Rudolf Klein Rhoden Rudolf Klein Rhoden Louis Ralph Louis Ralph Franz Ramharter Franz Ramharter Hermann Seldeneck Hermann Seldeneck Witwe Helga Laehr Max Steidl Max Steidl Otz Tollen Otz Tollen Dr Wegener Andreas Van Horn Andreas Van Horn Kantor Brose Dorrit Weixler Dorrit Weixler Eduard Rothauser Werle Großhändler Friedrich Forberg Friedrich Forberg Gerd sein Mündel Beatrice Altenhofer Beatrice Altenhofer Inge Sörensen Edmund Breitenbach Edmund Breitenbach Knudsen Reinhold Flügel Reinhold Flügel Petersen Marion La última ofensiva del Marne Batls Fhr Patrioten Kriegsgerichtsvorsitzender Otto Bild Friedrich Forberg Friedrich Forberg Helmut Alice Hechy Alice Hechy Helga Larhr as Alice Scheel Hechy Frida Richard Frida Richard Witwe Helga Laehr Max Steidl Max Steidl Otz Tollen Otz Tollen Dr Wegener Andreas Van Horn Andreas Van Horn Kantor Brose Dorrit Weixler Dorrit Weixler Marion Siete bofetadas Balthasar Adula Flanelli Verwandlungskünstler Togger Der Wirtschaftsredakteur Ein Lied klagt an Verlieb Dich nicht am Bodensee Ehemaliger Klassenkamerad Familie Schimek Rache für Eddy Davis Smith Hände hoch hier Eddy Polo Lord Winshope Der Fahnenträger von Sedan Ein Tag der Rosen im August Oberleutnant Axel von Sparr Die versunkene Flotte Ich hatt' einen Kameraden Die große Gelegenheit Zapfenstreich Vizewachtmeister Die Braut des Cowboy Ballskandal Nach dem Gesetz Dr Erich Waller Her Son Kammermusik Dr Wegener Der ewige Friede Heimgekehrt Ein Ausgestoßener Teil Der junge Chef In der Tiefe des Schachtes Baron von Waldberg Das Opfer Maria Wogen des Schicksals Die Liebe der Betty Raymond Hetty Raymond Ein Lichtstrahl im Dunkel die Frau Der schwarze Chauffeur Ellen Carena Hilde Warren und der Tod Hilde Warren Die Silhouette des Teufels Arme Eva Maria Eva Maria Ein einsam Grab Gräfin Felicitas Nebel und Sonne Ruth Löwenberg Die Gespensteruhr Die Sünde der Helga Arndt Helga Arndt In der Nacht Charley der Wunderaffe Amerikanerin Sein schwierigster Fall Wenn Wunden heilen Short Stuart Webbs Die geheimnisvolle Villa Ketten der Vergangenheit Wer hebt den Stein Short In der Tiefe des Schachtes Else Tochter des Obersteigers Und dennoch kam das Glück Die Jagd nach der Frau Der Roman einer armen Sünderin Die Erlebnisse einer Kammerzofe Frauenbeichte Teil Die Beichte der Krankenschwester Der rollende Korridor Detektiv Fred Horst Die Beichte einer Mutter Frauenbeichte Teil Die Beichte einer Ausgestossenen Der Friedhof der Lebenden Der Schrein der Medici Fred Horst Detektiv Die Lieblingsfrau des Maharadscha Teil Theater Agent Martino Das Gesicht im Spiegel Niemand weiß es Brendes Tötet nicht mehr Opfer seines Leichtsinns Das Schicksal der Carola van Geldern Von glidien Die Eidechse La dueña del mundo Die Prinzessin von Urbino Kinder der Liebe Teil Der Schienenweg unterm Ozean Stuart Webbs Der Mann im Keller Short Und das Licht erlosch Short Werle Großhändler Wer hebt den Stein Short Veritas vincit Decius Das Mädchen mit dem fremden Herzen De Profundis Küsse die man stiehlt in Dunkein Eduard Rothauser Sybil Smolova Sybil Smolova Magnus Stifter Magnus Stifter Olaf Bernadotte Seelen in Ketten Strandgut oder Die Rache des Meeres Stürme des Lebens Verlorene Töchter Varieteedirektor Rodrigues Wenn das Herz in Haß erglüht Baron Ilfingen Carmen Lieutnant Escamillo Inge Short Alter Fürst Wolframs Vater Das verwunschene Schloß Amtmann Die Rose der Wildnis Diebe und Liebe Die Richterin Die toten Augen Für die Ehre des Vaters Der Schwur der Renate Rabenau Short Dr Karsten Seltsame Köpfe Die weißen Rosen Das Liebes ABC Graf von Kiesel Das erste Weib Short Palmers Präsident des Kavalierklubs Der Schienenweg unterm Ozean Leonore Fritz Kortner Fritz Kortner Gianettino Maria Fein Maria Fein Gräfin Julia Imperiali Ilka Grüning Ilka Grüning Matrone Magnus Stifter Magnus Stifter Verrino Wilhelm Diegelmann Wilhelm Diegelmann Andrea Doria Doge von Genua Ludwig Rex Ludwig Rex Bernhard Goetzke Bernhard Goetzke Calcagno Max Gülstorff Max Gülstorff Lomellino Fritz Beckmann Fritz Beckmann Alte seidenhändler William Dieterle William Dieterle Lydia Potechina Lydia Potechina Bertha Lia Eibenschütz Lia Eibenschütz Paul Günther Paul Günther Kriminalbeamter Bismarck Minister von Roon Zwischen Strom und Steppe Alexander Renka Schatten über St Pauli Wilhelm Schenk Zwischen den Eltern Arzt im Tropeninstitut Das Geheimnis um Betty Bonn Kapitän Glower Por mandato imperial Leutnant von Meerheimb Togger Vorsitzender der Journalisten des Reuler Konzerns Savoy Hotel Wachmann Herzog Ferrantes Ende Edelmann La tierra en llamas Kutscher Die Verschwörung zu Genua Bourgorgnino Gardegrenadier Carbón Deutscher Gendarm Reserve hat Ruh Paul Wegener Herzog Ferrante Hans Stürm Hans Stürm Matteo Hugo Döblin Hugo Döblin Trivulzio Ferdinand Gregori Ferdinand Gregori Guido Colonna Lyda Salmonova Lyda Salmonova Beatrice Ernst Deutsch Ernst Deutsch Orlando Adele Sandrock Adele Sandrock Dienerin Walter Janssen Walter Janssen Antonio Wilhelm Diegelmann Wilhelm Diegelmann Rüstmeister Werner Krauskopf Werner Krauskopf Hauptmann der Leibwache Alice Petzinna Alice Petzinna Page Gustav Roos Gustav Roos Balsamierer Fritz Richard Fritz Richard Gremio Hellmuth Bergmann Hellmuth Bergmann Edelmann Albrecht Viktor Blum Albrecht Viktor Blum Unteroffizier Krause Ed Poole, baseball player Ed Rate, football player Nick Roman, football player Ernie Roth, professional wrestling manager known as Abdullah Farouk and The Grand Wizard of Wrestling George Saimes, football player 1963–1972, Buffalo Bills, Denver Broncos, member of American Football League All-Time Team (first team, defense) Eric Snow, basketball player; brother of Percy Snow Percy Snow, football player, Kansas City Chiefs; brother of Eric Snow Chris Spielman, football player; brother of Rick Spielman Rick Spielman, general manager of the Minnesota Vikings; brother of Chris Spielman LeRoy Sprankle, high school multi-sport coach, author, general manager of the Canton Independents Nick Weatherspoon, Illinois and professional basketball player Don Willis, pool player Dave Wottle, gold medalist in the 800 meter run at the 1972 Summer Olympics Others[edit] Mark Aldenderfer, archaeologist and anthropologist[2] Mother Angelica, Roman Catholic nun and foundress of the Eternal Word Television Network Jessie Davis, pregnant murder victim James Oliver Huberty, committed a shooting spree in a McDonald's restaurant Reuben Klamer, inventor of The Game of Life and various other toys; inducted into the Toy Industry Hall of Fame; honored by the Smithsonian Institution Don Mellett, newspaper editor Marshall Rosenberg, the creator of Nonviolent Communication Canton is connected to the Interstate Highway System via Interstate 77 which connects Canton to Charleston, West Virginia, and points south, and to Cleveland and Akron, Ohio, to the north. U.S. Route 30 connects Canton to Fort Wayne, Indiana, and points west, and to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and points east. U.S. Route 62 connects Canton to Columbus, Ohio, and points southwest, and to Youngstown, Ohio, and points northeast. The city has several arterial roads. Ohio 43 (Market Avenue, Walnut Avenue and Cherry Avenue), Ohio 153 (12th Street and Mahoning Road), Ohio 172 (Tuscarawas Street) / The Lincoln Highway, Ohio 297 (Whipple Avenue and Raff Avenue), Ohio 627 (Faircrest Street), Ohio 687 (Fulton Drive), and Ohio 800 (Cleveland Avenue) / A.K.A. Old Route 8. Amtrak offers daily service to Chicago and Washington, D.C., from a regional passenger station located in Alliance, Ohio. Norfolk Southern and the Wheeling-Lake Erie railroads provide freight service in Canton. Akron-Canton Regional Airport (IATA: CAK, IACO: KCAK) is a commercial Class C airport located 10 miles (16 km) north of the city and provides daily commercial passenger and air freight service. Stark Area Regional Transit Authority (SARTA) provides public transit bus service within the county, including service to Massillon, the Akron-Canton Regional Airport, and the Amtrak station located in Alliance. Popular culture[edit] On the July 21, 2008, Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report made a comment about John McCain making a campaign stop in Canton, Ohio, and "not the crappy Canton in Georgia."[38] The comment resulted in a local uproar, with the Canton, Georgia, mayor insisting Colbert had never visited the town along with an invitation for him to do so.[38] On July 30, 2008, Colbert apologized for the story, insisting that he was incorrect and that the "real" crappy Canton was Canton, Kansas, after which he made several jokes at the Kansas town's expense.[39][40] On August 5, Colbert apologized to citizens of Canton, Georgia and Canton, Kansas, then directing his derision on Canton, South Dakota. Colbert later went on to offer a half-hearted apology to Canton, South Dakota before proceeding to mock Canton, Texas. On October 28, Colbert turned his attention back to Canton, Ohio after Barack Obama made a campaign stop there, forcing Colbert to find it "crappy." This is a timeline of the history of Africans and their descendants in what is now the United States, from 1565 to the present. Contents [hide] 1 16th century 2 17th century 3 18th century 4 19th century 4.1 1800–1859 4.2 1860–1874 4.3 1875–1899 5 20th century 5.1 1900–1924 5.2 1925–1949 5.3 1950–1959 5.4 1960–1969 5.5 1970–2000 6 21st century 7 See also 8 Footnotes 9 Further reading 10 External links 16th century[edit] Main article: Slavery in Colonial United States 1565 The Spanish colony of St. Augustine in Florida became the first permanent European settlement in what would become the US centuries later; it included an unknown number of African slaves. 17th century[edit] 1619 The first record of Africans in English colonial America when men were brought to the Jamestown colony who had been taken as prizes from a Spanish ship. They were treated as indentured servants, and at least one was recorded as eventually owning land in the colony. 1640 John Punch, a black indentured servant, ran away with two white indentured servants, James Gregory and Victor. After the three were captured, Punch was sentenced to serve Virginia planter Hugh Gwyn for life. This made John Punch the first legally documented slave in Virginia (and the US).[1][2][3][4][5] 1654 John Casor, a black man who claimed to have completed his term of indenture, became the first legally recognized slave-for-life in a civil case in the Virginia colony. The court ruled with his master who said he had an indefinite servitude for life.[6] 1662 Virginia law, using the principle of partus sequitur ventrem, said that children in the colony were born into their mother's social status; therefore children born to enslaved mothers were classified as slaves, regardless of their father's race or status. This was contrary to English common law for English subjects, which held that children took their father's social status. 1672 Royal African Company is founded in England, allowing slaves to be shipped from Africa to the colonies in North America and the Caribbean. England entered the slave trade. 1676 Both free and enslaved African Americans fought in Bacon's Rebellion along with English colonists.[7] 18th century[edit] See also: Atlantic slave trade 1705 The Virginia Slave codes define as slaves all those servants brought into the colony who were not Christian in their original countries, as well as those American Indians sold by other Indians to colonists. 1712 April 6 – The New York Slave Revolt of 1712.[8] 1739 September 9 – In the Stono Rebellion, South Carolina slaves gather at the Stono River to plan an armed march for freedom.[9] 1753 Benjamin Banneker designed and built the first clock in the British American colonies. He also created a series of almanacs. He corresponded with Thomas Jefferson and wrote that "blacks were intellectually equal to whites". Banneker worked with Pierre L'Enfant to survey and design a street and urban plan for Washington, D.C.[10] 1760 Jupiter Hammon has a poem printed, becoming the first published African-American poet. 1765–1767 Non-Importation Agreements – The First Continental Congress creates a multi-colony agreement to forbid importation of anything from British merchants. This implicitly includes slaves, and stops the slave trade in Philadelphia. The second similar act explicitly stops the slave trade.[11] 1770 March 5 – Crispus Attucks is killed by British soldiers in the Boston Massacre, a precursor to the American Revolution. 1773 Phillis Wheatley has her book Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral published. 1774 The first black Baptist congregations are organized in the South: Silver Bluff Baptist Church in South Carolina, and First African Baptist Church near Petersburg, Virginia. 1775 April 14 – The Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully held in Bondage holds four meetings. It was re-formed in 1784 as the Pennsylvania Abolition Society, and Benjamin Franklin would later be its president. 1776–1783 American Revolution Thousands of enslaved African Americans in the South escape to British lines, as they were promised freedom to fight with the British. In South Carolina, 25,000 enslaved African Americans, one-quarter of those held, escape to the British or otherwise leave their plantations.[12] After the war, many African Americans are evacuated with the British for England; more than 3,000 Black Loyalists are transported with other Loyalists to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, where they are granted land. Still others go to Jamaica and the West Indies. An estimated 8-10,000 were evacuated from the colonies in these years as free people, about 50 percent of those slaves who defected to the British and about 80 percent of those who survived.[13] Many free blacks in the North fight with the colonists for the rebellion. 1777 July 8 – The Vermont Republic (a sovereign nation at the time) abolishes slavery, the first future state to do so. No slaves were held in Vermont. 1780 Pennsylvania becomes the first U.S. state to abolish slavery. 1781 In challenges by Elizabeth Freeman and Quock Walker, two independent county courts in Massachusetts found slavery illegal under state constitution and declared each to be free persons. 1783 Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court affirmed that Massachusetts state constitution had abolished slavery. It ruled that "the granting of rights and privileges [was] wholly incompatible and repugnant to" slavery, in an appeal case arising from the escape of Marijonas Mikutavicius – singer author of Trys Milijonai the unofficial sports anthem in Lithuania Vincas Niekus – lt Vincas Niekus composer Virgilijus Noreika – one of the most successful opera singers tenor Mykolas Kleopas Oginskis – one of the best composer of the late th century Kipras Petrauskas – lt Kipras Petrauskas popular early opera singer tenor Stasys Povilaitis – one of the popular singers during the Soviet period Violeta Riaubiškyte – pop singer TV show host Mindaugas Rojus opera singer tenor baritone Ceslovas Sasnauskas – composer Rasa Serra – lt Rasa Serra real name Rasa Veretenceviene singer Traditional folk A cappella jazz POP Audrone Simonaityte Gaižiuniene – lt Audrone Gaižiuniene Simonaityte one of the more popular female opera singers soprano Virgis Stakenas – lt Virgis Stakenas singer of country folk music Antanas Šabaniauskas – lt Antanas Šabaniauskas singer tenor Jurga Šeduikyte – art rock musician won the Best Female Act and the Best Album of in the Lithuanian Bravo Awards and the Best Baltic Act at the MTV Europe Music Awards Jonas Švedas – composer Michael Tchaban composer singer and songwriter Violeta Urmanaviciute Urmana opera singer soprano mezzosoprano appearing internationally Painters and graphic artists edit See also List of Lithuanian artists Robertas Antinis – sculptor Vytautas Ciplijauskas lt Vytautas Ciplijauskas painter Jonas Ceponis – lt Jonas Ceponis painter Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis – painter and composer Asteroid Ciurlionis is named for him Kostas Dereškevicius lt Kostas Dereškevicius painter Vladimiras Dubeneckis painter architect Stasys Eidrigevicius graphic artist Pranas Gailius lt Pranas Gailius painter Paulius Galaune Petronele Gerlikiene – self taught Lithuanian American artist Algirdas Griškevicius lt Algirdas Griškevicius Vincas Grybas – sculptor Leonardas Gutauskas lt Leonardas Gutauskas painter writer Vytautas Kairiukštis – lt Vytautas Kairiukštis painter art critic Vytautas Kasiulis – lt Vytautas Kasiulis painter graphic artist stage designer Petras Kalpokas painter Rimtas Kalpokas – lt Rimtas Kalpokas painter graphic artist Leonas Katinas – lt Leonas Katinas painter Povilas Kaupas – lt Povilas Kaupas Algimantas Kezys Lithuanian American photographer Vincas Kisarauskas – lt Vincas Kisarauskas painter graphic artist stage designer Saulute Stanislava Kisarauskiene – lt Saulute Stanislava Kisarauskiene graphic artist painter Stasys Krasauskas – lt Stasys Krasauskas graphic artist Stanislovas Kuzma – lt Stanislovas Kuzma sculptor Antanas Martinaitis – lt Antanas Martinaitis painter Jonas Rimša – lt Jonas Rimša painter Jan Rustem painter Antanas Samuolis – lt Antanas Samuolis painter Šarunas Sauka painter Boris Schatz – sculptor and founder of the Bezalel Academy Irena Sibley née Pauliukonis – Children s book author and illustrator Algis Skackauskas – painter Antanas Žmuidzinavicius – painter Franciszek Smuglewicz – painter Yehezkel Streichman Israeli painter Kazys Šimonis – painter Algimantas Švegžda – lt Algimantas Švegžda painter Otis Tamašauskas Lithographer Print Maker Graphic Artist Adolfas Valeška – painter and graphic artist Adomas Varnas – painter Kazys Varnelis – artist Vladas Vildžiunas lt Vladas Vildžiunas sculptor Mikalojus Povilas Vilutis lt Mikalojus Povilas Vilutis graphic artist Viktoras Vizgirda – painter William Zorach – Modern artist who died in Bath Maine Antanas Žmuidzinavicius – painter Kazimieras Leonardas Žoromskis – painter Politics edit President Valdas Adamkus right chatting with Vice President Dick Cheney left See also List of Lithuanian rulers Mindaugas – the first and only King of Lithuania – Gediminas – the ruler of Lithuania – Algirdas – the ruler together with Kestutis of Lithuania – Kestutis – the ruler together with Algirdas of Lithuania – Vytautas – the ruler of Lithuania – together with Jogaila Jogaila – the ruler of Lithuania – from to together with Vytautas the king of Poland – Jonušas Radvila – the field hetman of Grand Duchy of Lithuania – Dalia Grybauskaite – current President of Lithuania since Valdas Adamkus – President of Lithuania till Jonas Basanavicius – "father" of the Act of Independence of Algirdas Brazauskas – the former First secretary of Central Committee of Communist Party of Lithuanian SSR the former president of Lithuania after and former Prime Minister of Lithuania Joe Fine – mayor of Marquette Michigan – Kazys Grinius – politician third President of Lithuania Mykolas Krupavicius – priest behind the land reform in interwar Lithuania Vytautas Landsbergis – politician professor leader of Sajudis the independence movement former speaker of Seimas member of European Parliament Stasys Lozoraitis – diplomat and leader of Lithuanian government in exile – Stasys Lozoraitis junior – politician diplomat succeeded his father as leader of Lithuanian government in exile – Antanas Merkys – the last Prime Minister of interwar Lithuania Rolandas Paksas – former President removed from the office after impeachment Justas Paleckis – journalist and politician puppet Prime Minister after Soviet occupation Kazimiera Prunskiene – the first female Prime Minister Mykolas Sleževicius – three times Prime Minister organized

Hampa Klempner Karl Die Schlacht von Bademünde Feldwebel Panik in Chicago Tom Schachmatt Kommissar M el vampiro de Düsseldorf Criminal Secretary Voruntersuchung Baumann Kriminalkommissar Feind im Blut Mechaniker Der Mann der seinen Mörder sucht Policeman Su majestad el amor Werkmeister El ángel azul Polizist Policeman Ludwig der Zweite König von Bayern Hesselschwerdt El infierno de los pobres o el viaje a la felicidad de la madre Krause Untermieter Der Mann mit dem Laubfrosch Der Mensch am Wege Herzog Ferrantes Ende Sommernächte Kuno Das schwarze Schaf Besatzung Dora Hauptmann Kurt Gillhausen Brigitte Horney Vera Niemayer Joachim Gottschalk Joachim Gottschalk Leutnant Hans Keller Hans Nielsen Hans Nielsen Hauptmann Schulz Ernst von Klipstein Ernst von Klipstein Gefreiter von Elmendonck Paul Otto Paul Otto Hauptmann Lamberty Ingolf Kuntze Ingolf Kuntze Stabsarzt Bruckner Paul Westermeier Paul Westermeier Unteroffizier Kroll Gerhard Bienert Gerhard Bienert Feldwebel Lemcke Friedrich Gnaß Friedrich Gnaß Funker Gerlach Ludwig Schmid Wildy Ludwig Schmid Wildy Lachner Adolf Fischer Adolf Fischer Spoekmann Willi Rose Willi Rose Waitz Hellmuth Passarge Hellmuth Passarge Krohnker Gustav Püttjer Gustav Püttjer Wolff Jac Diehl Jac Diehl Soldat as Jack Diehl Der zweite Schuß Franz von Gerlach Der Juni Oberleutnant Lebsten Stimme des Herzens Paul Ohlsen Hochzeit auf Bärenhof Ulanenoffizier Lothar von Pütz Alarmstufe V Richard Haller Stukas Oberleutnant Patzer von Bomberg Unser kleiner Junge Janke Blutsbrüderschaft Fliegerleutnant Jochen Wendler Die drei Codonas Lalo Codona Forja de Héroes Johannisfeuer Georg Die barmherzige Lüge Dr Thomas Clausen Flucht ins Dunkel Chemiker Dr Paul Gildemeister Un patriota Leutnant Robert Runeberg Aufruhr in Damaskus Gefreiter von Elmendonck Ein Außenseiter TV Movie Donnie Am Abend ins Odeon TV Movie Adelheid Seeck Charlotte Holsten Christine Keller Christine Keller Regine Albing Maximilian Schell Maximilian Schell Jürgen Sengebusch Mathias Wieman Mathias Wieman Obersdtudiendirektor Dr Berger Albert Lieven Albert Lieven Studienrat Dr Crusius Rest of cast listed alphabetically Klaus Barner Klaus Barner Erich Mettke Oberprimaner as Klaus Meyer Barner Charles Brauer Charles Brauer Bert Ilgen Oberprimaner Harald Giese Harald Giese Andreas Bolz Oberprimaner Brigitte Grothum Brigitte Grothum Dora seine Tochter Wolfgang Höper Wolfgang Höper Klaus Helmer Oberprimaner Ilse Künkele Ilse Künkele Sekretärin des Direktors Phoebe Monnard Phoebe Monnard Frau Scholz Dr Crusius' Wirtin Eberhard Müller Elmau Eberhard Müller Elmau Neckermann Hausmeister Kurt Vespermann Kurt Vespermann Oberstudienrat Dr Türck Ernst von Klipstein Ernst von Klipstein Studienrat Baumbauer Philomena Marturano TV Movie Riccardo Familie Schölermann TV Series Heinz Schölermann Episode Heinz Schölermann Episode Heinz Schölermann Episode Heinz Schölermann Episode Heinz Schölermann Episode Heinz Schölermann Show all episodes Der Mann der sich verkaufte Ist Mama nicht fabelhaft Peter Meinrad Helden TV Movie Russischer Offizier Sin coartada Walter Hansen uncredited Reifende Jugend Bert Ilgen Oberprimaner Johannes Kreisler des Kapellmeisters musikalische Leiden TV Movie Gottlieb as Charlie Knetschke Der Kampf der Tertia Tertianer Und wieder Sohn von Ring Irgendwo in Berlin Gustav Iller as Charles Knetschke Hans Trinkaus Hans Trinkaus Willi war orphan Siegfried Utecht Siegfried Utecht 'Kapitan' leader of the boys Harry Hindemith Harry Hindemith Paul Iller Hedda Sarnow Hedda Sarnow Grete Iller Hans Leibelt Hans Leibelt Herr Eckmann artist Paul Bildt Paul Bildt Mr Birke Fritz Rasp Fritz Rasp Waldemar Hunke thief Walter Bluhm Walter Bluhm Uncle Kalle Lotte Loebinger Lotte Loebinger Frau Steidel as Lotte Löbinger Gerhard Haselbach Gerhard Haselbach Hansotto Magdalene von Nußbaum Magdalene von Nußbaum Frau Schelp Willi's guardian Lili Schoenborn Anspach Lili Schoenborn Anspach Frau Timmel as Lilli Schönborn Gaston Briese Gaston Briese Herr Timmel Karl Hannemann Karl Hannemann Kriminalbeamter Liebe Tanz und Schlager Fernsehreporter uncredited Hotel Adlon Solicitor Die Ratten Herr über Leben und Tod Werner Hansen Die Geschichte des Soldaten TV Movie Teufel Die Buntkarierten Levin La balada de Berlín uncredited Irgendwo in Berlin Uncle Kalle Der Mann dem man den Namen stahl Ganove Sänger Der grüne Salon Oswin Handlanger Seinerzeit zu meiner Zeit Theobald Fuego en el océano Sekretär Parker Angenehme Ruhe Short Inspizient Kleines Intermezzo Short Tonio Diener des Herzogs Pour le Mérite Husar Der Maulkorb Billa Dienstmädchen Theodor Loos Theodor Loos Oberstaatsanwalt Paul Henckels Paul Henckels Wimm Ludwig Schmitz Ludwig Schmitz Bätes Elisabeth Flickenschildt Elisabeth Flickenschildt Dame beim Verhör Werner Pledath Werner Pledath Zahnarzt Hermann Pfeiffer Hermann Pfeiffer Mühsaam Kriminalkommissar Maria Krahn Maria Krahn Frau Tigges Gerd Høst Gerd Høst Aktmodell Otto Matthies Otto Matthies Thürnagel Referendar Walter Bluhm Walter Bluhm Schwefelhölzchen Brigit Erskynne Die unheimlichen Wünsche Blanchette Besitzerin einer Schenke Roberto Koch el vencedor de la muerte Baronin von Kossin Die barmherzige Lüge Vera Holster Der Schritt vom Wege Marietta Tripelli Mia moglie si diverte uncredited Unsere kleine Frau Ein Mädchen geht an Land Erna Quandt Jugend Maruschka Heiratsschwindler Frau Buschko Der Maulkorb Dame beim Verhör Starke Herzen Ilse Tango nocturno Bessie Godfrey El cántaro roto Frau Brigitte Es mi hijo Hafenmädchen Du kannst nicht treu sein Miss Nelly Der ahnungslose Engel Lotte Grün Großreinemachen Christine Kandler Glücklich geschieden TV Series Eva Bärwald Rummelplatzgeschichten TV Series Franz Beckenbauer Himself Harald Leipnitz Harald Leipnitz Beppo Brem Bepeposeires Joachim Fuchsberger Joachim Fuchsberger Schutzgeist Rest of cast listed alphabetically Werner Abrolat Werner Abrolat Lukas Ammann Lukas Ammann Legionär Helga Anders Helga Anders Julia Rainer Basedow Rainer Basedow Legionär Franz Beckenbauer Franz Beckenbauer Uwe Beyer Uwe Beyer Siegfried Jean Pierre Bonnin Jean Pierre Bonnin Heidi Brühl Heidi Brühl Eurydike Bettina Busch Bettina Busch as Bettina Widmaier Willi Daume Willi Daume NOK Präsident Hans Jürgen Diedrich Hans Jürgen Diedrich Brüder Montgolfier Hans Elwenspoek Hans Elwenspoek Phemios Elisabeth Flickenschildt Elisabeth Flickenschildt Pythia Himself Klaus Löwitsch Klaus Löwitsch Himself Beatrice Kessler Beatrice Kessler Angie Walter Born Walter Born Himself Rüdiger Bahr Rüdiger Bahr Himself Antje Katrin Kühnemann Antje Katrin Kühnemann Herself Volker Schrader Volker Schrader Himself Guenter Wolfbauer Guenter Wolfbauer Himself Brigitte Beckenbauer Brigitte Beckenbauer Herself Corinna Genest Corinna Genest Herself Franz Rudnick Franz Rudnick Himself Gaby Fuchs Gaby Fuchs Herself Hans Musäus Hans Musäus Himself as Hans Musaeus Hugo Lindinger Hugo Lindinger Himself Die schwarze Spinne Liebe läßt alle Blumen blühen TV Movie Kathinka Der Westen leuchtet Dagmar Ostfeld El lugar del crimen TV Series Hanni Christine Angela Knuth Grenzgänger Hanni Tote reisen nicht umsonst Christine Drei Schlingen Angela Knuth Alberta und Alice oder Die Unterwerfung TV Movie Alice Daniel TV Movie Christine Brot und Steine Ursula Le dernier regard de l'aigle TV Movie Verena Ursula TV Movie Die Schweizermacher Milena Vakulic Ein Volksfeind TV Movie Ein Mädchen aus zweiter Hand Barbara Eine ganz gewöhnliche Geschichte TV Series Libero Angie Penelope Charterley Nicholas Day Nicholas Day Jeremiah Horst G Fleck Horst G Fleck Herman Armin Mueller Stahl Harald Liebe Beatrice Kessler Beatrice Kessler Dagmar Ostfeld Melanie Tressler Melanie Tressler Ina Ostfeld Mathias Eysen Mathias Eysen Direktor Diehl Harry Baer Harry Baer Fan Gert Burkard Gert Burkard Unbekannter as Gert Burkhard Klaus Münster Klaus Münster Drogist Veronika Faber Veronika Faber Taxifahrerin Wolfram A Guenther Wolfram A Guenther Giebler Sky du Mont Sky du Mont Kommissar Kino as Sky Dumont Gunther Malzacher Gunther Malzacher Kommissar Hotel Nina Palmers Karin Nina Palmers Karin Zimmermädchen as Nina Palmers Hans Jürgen Leuthen Hans Jürgen Leuthen Dr Beiersdorf Peter Bond Peter Bond Metz Dennis O Heinrich Dennis O Heinrich Beamter Benno Hummer Benno Hummer Quentin Roberts Reiner Brönneke Reiner Brönneke Mark Antony as Rainer Brönnecke Judith de la Couronne Judith de la Couronne Madame Dupont Ron Kitchener Ron Kitchener Andre Copin George Murcell George Murcell Owen Rico Bernwinkler Rico Bernwinkler Rest of cast listed alphabetically Harald Eggers Harald Eggers Claudius Karin Janssen Karin Janssen Fortunata Marion Koos Marion Koos Diana Ernst Mack Ernst Mack Nero Weta Schmidt Weta Schmidt Lucretia Too Many Cooks Ingrid Fanny y Alexander Hanna Schwartz Teatern Paradiso Blu Karen Licencia para amar y matar Hotel Receptionist Agente Jensen contra Sagitario Penny Patos salvajes Sonny's Girlfriend What's Up Superdoc First maid Agent Jensen i Skorpionens tegn Penny Come Play with Me Nanette Queen Kong Crew Girl uncredited Juegos sexuales para jóvenes viciosos Suzy Confesiones de un Taxi Driver Helga Penelope Penelope Charterley L'archisexe Lèvres de sang Claudine Couche moi dans le sable et fais jaillir ton pétrole La partouzeuse Spasms of the Opera La bête à plaisir Florence Les tripoteuses Jean Loup Philippe Frédéric le narrateur Martine Grimaud Martine Grimaud Color Climax Piss Service Short Im Club der Orgien Teil Short Female Disc Jockey Bizzare Life Damenkampf Short Bizzare Life Torture and Tourment Short Color Climax Virgin Arsehole Short Karl Stegger Hans Hivert Kate Mundt Kate Mundt Miss Munk André Chazel André Chazel K B Andersen Søren Strømberg Søren Strømberg Arnold Gina Janssen Gina Janssen Matty Hari Lee Fong Wong Lee Fong Wong Madame KomPhur Benny Hansen Benny Hansen Kraputski Paul Hagen Paul Hagen Dr Schmierkäse Jeanne Darville Jeanne Darville Fru Schmierkäse Anna Bergman Anna Bergman Penny Arthur Jensen Arthur Jensen Kriminalassistent Mortensen Ricky Bruch Ricky Bruch Albanian Torben Bille Torben Bille Krassnikoff Danish Hardcore Dancing Dikes Short Danish Hardcore Pen Pal Passion Short Rodox Lesbian Affair Short Bettgesellen Short Wife Color Climax A Taste of Piss Short Rubber Girls Short Lesbian Dressed in Rubber Martine la photographe Eva Quang Eva Quang Im Club der Orgien Teil Short Lesbian Woman Rodox Lesbian Affair Short Fäbodjäntan Britt Kindberg as Anita Suce moi vampire La vampire qui se caresse Lèvres de sang La vampire bottée Claudine Beccarie Claudine Beccarie Claudine Sylvia Bourdon Sylvia Bourdon Clara Béatrice Harnois Béatrice Harnois Le modèle Vic Scamama Vic Scamama Le chef des chasseurs Paul Bisciglia Paul Bisciglia Le médecin Catherine Castel Catherine Castel Jumelle vampire as Cathy Castel Marie Pierre Castel Marie Pierre Castel Jumelle vampire as Pony Castel Anita Berglund Anita Berglund La vampire qui se caresse Hélène Maguin Hélène Maguin La vampire blonde Jean Rollin Jean Rollin Un chasseur Willy Braque Willy Braque Le tueur de l'aquarium La femme dans le film Femmes impudiques Line Tamara ou Comment j'ai enterré ma vie de jeune fille L'amour aux trousses uncredited Lo importante es amar La fille dans la partouze uncredited Les joyeuses Solange Godefinger ou Certaines chattes n'aiment pas le mou Lulu L'amour à la bouche Une partouzeuse hippie as Claude Bécarie La kermesse érotique La fille à l'envers El hotel de las delicias Les couples du Bois de Boulogne Les enjambées Sabine France société anonyme L'actrice du film publicitaire as Claudine Beccari La bonzesse Une fille à l'auberge du roi Arthur uncredited Diario erótico de un leñador Les charnelles Les gourmandines Un ange au paradis Un homme libre El heredero uncredited El gran rubio con un zapato negro uncredited Réseau secret La prisonnière executée version de La maison des filles perdues Mimie El hotel de las delicias Philippe Gasté Gilles Pilard Nanette Corey Nanette Corey Irma Pierre Danny Pierre Danny Max Anne Libert Anne Libert Juliette Malisa Longo Malisa Longo Sabine Corinne O'Brien Corinne O'Brien Florence Jean Roche Jean Roche Xavier Yvonne Clech Yvonne Clech La femme du premier ministre Jean Parédès Jean Parédès Le premier ministre Chantal Aba Chantal Aba Gilda Arancio Gilda Arancio Frédérique Barral Frédérique Barral Claudine Beccarie Claudine Beccarie René Bériard René Bériard Bouboule Bouboule L'infirmière as Antonia Lolito Les caresseuses as Tania Lolito Prenez la queue comme tout le monde Le cadeau Le mataf as Antonella Lolito Las ratas no duermen de noche Emmy Llega un desconocido El avispero Dora la frénésie du plaisir Marianne Rémont Maria de Ortega Jean Pierre Delamour Jean Pierre Delamour André Paul Muller Paul Muller Mr Witson James Harris James Harris Le majordome Claude Boisson Claude Boisson L'ami du majordome as Yul Sanders Georges Alexandre Georges Alexandre Yan le hippie Monime Favre Bertin Monime Favre Bertin Une invitée de Witson as M Favre Bertin Gilda Arancio Gilda Arancio Moira la hippie Antonio Jover Antonio Jover Le père de Maria Raymond Schettino Raymond Schettino Un invité de Witson Antonia Lotito Antonia Lotito Conchita la bonne Louis Penant Louis Penant Un invité de Witson Claude Sendron Claude Sendron Un invité de Witson Roger Roye Roger Roye Un invité de Witson Eva Quang Eva Quang Une invitée de Witson Irène Douces pénétrations Brigitte Maier Margaret Véronique Monod Véronique Monod Veronique as Véronique Monet Helga Trixi Helga Trixi Trixie as Trixie Heinen Si vous n'aimez pas ça n'en dégoûtez pas les autres Porn actress uncredited Prouesses porno Madame Claude Une fille uncredited Le jardin des supplices Suce moi vampire La vampire bottée L'hippopotamours La squaw Érections La nuit des caresses La geisha Douces pénétrations Eva Schulmädchen Porno Les onze mille verges Le Chinois Une vierge pour Saint Tropez Une invitée de Witson Sensations Eva Godefinger ou Certaines chattes n'aiment pas le mou Zette Frédérique Barral Frédérique Barral Liza Robert Le Ray Robert Le Ray Lord Weatherby Tuppy Owens Tuppy Owens Lady Pamela Rest of cast listed alphabetically Patrick J Andersen Patrick J Andersen Patrick as Patrick Andersen Jean Claude Baboulin Jean Claude Baboulin Philippe Tania Busselier Tania Busselier Tania Soarez as Tania Bussel Dawn Cummings Dawn Cummings Julie as Shirley Cox Pierre Latour Pierre Latour Lazlo Nathalie Morin Nathalie Morin Rebecca Eva Quang Eva Quang Eva Bent Rohweder Bent Rohweder David Griffin Claudio Rosso Claudio Rosso Alonzo Soarez Martine Les positions Brigitte Prostitution clandestine Tania Sensations Tania Soarez as Tania Bussel Godefinger ou Certaines chattes n'aiment pas le mou Bibelot La comtesse perverse Moira La merveilleuse visite Sexualmente vuestro La nurse Le corps a ses raisons La barmaid Plaisir à trois Cécile El tango de la perversión Nathalie La pensión del amor libre Justine Les assassins de l'ordre uncredited Count Rabor Zaroff Tania Busselier Tania Busselier Moira Pamela Hard Love as Paméla Standford À bout de sexe L'auto stoppeuse Les chatouilleuses Coco Le pied Les chevaliers de la croupe Anne uncredited Le jouisseur Angela La comtesse perverse Prisoner uncredited Les possédées du diable Lorna Green Cours du soir pour monsieur seul Célestine bonne à tout faire Martine Maciste contre la reine des Amazones uncredited Les gloutonnes Pigalle carrefour des illusions uncredited Atout sexe El furor de la codicia La strip teaseuse uncredited Frustration La paysanne uncredited Kisss Une naturiste dans les bois as Monique Delaunay Le jouisseur Pina Pamela Stanford Tina Willy Braque Willy Braque Kashfi Raymond Hardy Raymond Hardy Pérez Monica Swinn Monica Swinn Pindar Lise Franval Lise Franval Martine Richard Bigotini Richard Bigotini Fred Williams Fred Williams Jesús Franco Jesús Franco Pamela Stanford Pamela Stanford Tina Willy Braque Willy Braque Kashfi Raymond Hardy Raymond Hardy Pérez Monica Swinn Monica Swinn Pindar Lise Franval Lise Franval Martine Richard Bigotini Richard Bigotini Fred Williams Fred Williams Jesús Franco Jesús Franco Les nuits brûlantes de Linda Lorna Steiner Le jouisseur Mrs Lapierre El ataque de las vampiras Princess de Rochefort as Monica Swin Luna de miedoso Fabienne Meunier directrice de la maison de correction La marque de Zorro Miss Hayes Phantasmes Hommes de joie pour femmes vicieuses Alba Ory La comtesse perverse Prisoner uncredited Espasmos de muerte Girl in tavern as Monika Célestine bonne à tout faire Mademoiselle Ursule uncredited Prout prout tralala Short Narrator voice uncredited La fête des fous Al otro lado del espejo Marie's Girlfriend French Version Only L'amoureuse El doctor Mabuse Bande de cons Noose uncredited Overdrive La tzira Short Cannibal girl as Monika Le sexe enragé Short La femme dans le lit as Monelle Marie Pierre Castel Marie Pierre Castel Alban Ceray Alban Ceray Corinne Lemoine Corinne Lemoine Jackie Flap Mannuella Marino Mannuella Marino as Manuelle Marinno Greg Masters Greg Masters Frederick Rachel Mhas Rachel Mhas Pauline Marlène Myller Marlène Myller Marie Jean Rollin Jean Rollin Stéphane Saratoga Stéphane Saratoga Monica Swinn Monica Swinn Evelyne Thomas Evelyne Thomas Amy as Mylène d'Antès Cyril Val Cyril Val Jean Louis Vattier Jean Louis Vattier Gideon Pénétrations vicieuses Une propriétaire Poupées la pipe La e prostituée Mains douces et lèvres chaudes La prostituée Vibraciones sexuales La seconde amie Fais moi tout Amours collectives Rachel La comtesse Ixe La voleuse Phantasmes Pauline Christine Lodes Christine Lodes Cathy Stewart Cathy Stewart Dominique Aveline Le voisin Guy Bérardant Guy Bérardant Le monte en l'air Sophie Duflot Sophie Duflot La monte en l'air Dominique Irissou Dominique Irissou Un propriétaire Christine Lodes Christine Lodes Une propriétaire Valérie Martin's Valérie Martin's L'étudiante Rachel Mhas Rachel Mhas Une propriétaire Cathy Stewart Cathy Stewart La voisine Cyril Val Cyril Val L'étudiant Cyril Val Cyril Val Ta' mej doktorn Diamond Baby Der Frauenarzt vom Place Pigalle L'esclave blonde au papillon as Christine Ghilodes Si mon cul vous était conté Ta' mej doktorn Dr Christina as Christina Andersson Trois filles dans le vent Une actrice du film porno Triángulo de sexo Marianne as Sylvie Chatex Virginie Veuve et nymphomane La veuve Délires sexuels Petites filles au bordel Macha Sylvaine de Montevideo uncredited Adolescentes à dépuceler Christine as Ingrid Greta Monica Suzel Une comédienne de la troupe as Christine Rhodes Pénétrations vicieuses Une propriétaire Bouches lascives et pornos Dr Christina as Christina Andersson Trois filles dans le vent Une actrice du film porno Triángulo de sexo Marianne as Sylvie Chatex Virginie Veuve et nymphomane La veuve Délires sexuels Petites filles au bordel Macha Sylvaine de Montevideo uncredited Adolescentes à dépuceler Christine as Ingrid Greta Monica Suzel Une comédienne de la troupe as Christine Rhodes Pénétrations vicieuses Une propriétaire Bouches lascives et pornos Hubert Géral Hubert Géral Le baron Olivier de Fursac Lewis Latimer invented the first long-lasting filament for light bulbs and installed his lighting system in New York City, Philadelphia, and Canada. Later, he became one of the 28 members of Thomas Edison's Pioneers.[22] A biracial populist coalition achieves power in Virginia (briefly). The legislature founds the first public college for African Americans, Virginia Normal and Collegiate Institute, as well as the first mental hospital for African Americans, both near Petersburg, Virginia. The hospital was established in December 1869, at Howard's Grove Hospital, a former Confederate unit, but is moved to a new campus in 1882. 1883 October 16 – In Civil Rights Cases, the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down the Civil Rights Act of 1875 as unconstitutional. 1884 Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is published, featuring the admirable African-American character Jim. Judy W. Reed, of Washington, D.C., and Sarah E. Goode, of Chicago, are the first African-American women inventors to receive patents. Signed with an "X", Reed's patent no. 305,474, granted September 23, 1884, is for a dough kneader and roller. Goode's patent for a cabinet bed, patent no. 322,177, is issued on July 14, 1885. Goode, the owner of a Chicago furniture store, invented a folding bed that could be formed into a desk when not in use. Ida B. Wells sues the Chesapeake, Ohio & South Western Railroad Company for its use of segregated "Jim Crow" cars. 1886 Norris Wright Cuney becomes the chairman of the Texas Republican Party, the most powerful role held by any African American in the South during the 19th century. 1887 October 3 – The State Normal School for Colored Students, which would become Florida A&M University, is founded. 1890 Mississippi, with a white Democrat-dominated legislature, passes a new constitution that effectively disfranchises most blacks through voter registration and electoral requirements, e.g., poll taxes, residency tests and literacy tests. This shuts them out of the political process, including service on juries and in local offices. By 1900 two-thirds of the farmers in the bottomlands of the Mississippi Delta are African Americans who cleared and bought land after the Civil War.[23] 1892 Ida B. Wells publishes her pamphlet Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases. 1893 Daniel Hale Williams performed open-heart surgery in 1893 and founded Provident Hospital in Chicago, the first with an interracial staff.[24] 1895 September 18 – Booker T. Washington delivers his Atlanta Compromise address at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia. W. E. B. Du Bois is the first African-American to be awarded a Ph.D by Harvard University. 1896 May 18 – In Plessy v. Ferguson, the U.S. Supreme Court upholds de jure racial segregation of "separate but equal" facilities. (see "Jim Crow laws" for historical discussion). The National Association of Colored Women is formed by the merger of smaller groups. As one of the earliest Black Hebrew Israelites in the United States, William Saunders Crowdy re-establishes the Church of God and Saints of Christ. George Washington Carver is invited by Booker T. Washington to head the Agricultural Department at what would become Tuskegee University. His work would revolutionize farming – he found about 300 uses for peanuts. 1898 Louisiana enacts the first statewide grandfather clause that provides exemption for illiterate whites to voter registration literacy test requirements. In Williams v. Mississippi the U.S. Supreme Court upholds the voter registration and election provisions of Mississippi's constitution because they applied to all citizens. Effectively, however, they disenfranchise blacks and poor whites. The result is that other southern states copy these provisions in their new constitutions and amendments through 1908, disfranchising most African Americans and tens of thousands of poor whites until the 1960s. November 10 – Coup d'état begins in Wilmington, North Carolina, resulting in considerable loss of life and property in the African-American community and the installation of a white supremacist Democratic Party regime. 1899 September 18 – The "Maple Leaf Rag" is an early ragtime composition for piano by Scott Joplin. 20th century[edit] 1900–1924[edit] 1900 Since the Civil War, 30,000 African-American teachers had been trained and put to work in the South. The majority of blacks had become literate.[25] 1901 Booker T. Washington's autobiography Up from Slavery is published. Benjamin Tillman, senator from South Carolina, comments on Theodore Roosevelt's dining with Booker T. Washington: “The action of President Roosevelt in entertaining that nigger will necessitate our killing a thousand niggers in the South before they learn their place again.”[26] 1903 September – W. E. B. Du Bois's article The Talented Tenth published. W. E. B. Du Bois's seminal work The Souls of Black Folk is published. 1904 May 15 – Sigma Pi Phi, the first African-American Greek-letter organization, is founded by African-American men as a professional organization, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Orlando, Florida hires its first black postman. 1905 July 11 – First meeting of the Niagara Movement, an interracial group to work for civil rights.[27] 1906 The Brownsville Affair, which eventually involves President Roosevelt.[27] December 4 – African-American men found Alpha Phi Alpha at Cornell University, the first intercollegiate fraternity for African-American men. 1907 National Primitive Baptist Convention of the U.S.A. formed. 1908 December 26 – Jack Johnson wins the World Heavyweight Title. Alpha Kappa Alpha at Howard University; African-American college women found the first college sorority for African-American women. 1909 February 12 – Planned first meeting of group which would become the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), an interracial group devoted to civil rights. The meeting actually occurs on May 31, but February 12 is normally cited as the NAACP's founding date. May 31 – The National Negro Committee meets and is formed; it will be the precursor to the NAACP. 1910 May 30 – The National Negro Committee chooses "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People" as its organization name. September 29 – Committee on Urban Conditions Among Negroes formed; the next year it will merge with other groups to form the National Urban League. The NAACP begins publishing The Crisis. 1911 January 5 – Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. was founded at Indiana University. November 17 – Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., which is the first African-American Greek-lettered organization founded at an HBCU (Howard University). 1913 The Moorish Science Temple of America, a religious organization, is founded by Noble Drew Ali (Timothy Drew). January 13 – Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., was founded at Howard University 1914 January 9 – Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was founded at Howard University by A. Langston Taylor, Leonard F. Morse, and Charles I. Brown Newly elected president Woodrow Wilson orders physical re-segregation of federal workplaces and employment after nearly 50 years of integrated facilities.[28][29][30] 1915 February 8 – The Birth of a Nation is released to film theaters. The NAACP protests in cities across the country, convincing some not to show the film. June 21 – In Guinn v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court rules against grandfather clauses used to deny blacks the right to vote. September 9 – Professor Carter G. Woodson founds the Association for the Study of African American Life and History in Chicago. A schism from the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. forms the National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. 1916 January – Professor Carter Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History begins publishing the Journal of Negro History, the first academic journal devoted to the study of African-American history. March 23 – Marcus Garvey arrives in the U.S. (see Garveyism). Los Angeles hires the country's first black female police officer.[citation needed] The Great Migration begins and lasts until 1940. Approximately one and a half million African-Americans move from the Southern United States to the North and Midwest. More than five million migrate in the Second Great Migration from 1940 to 1970, which includes more destinations in California and the West. 1917 May–June – East St. Louis Riot August 23 – Houston Riot In Buchanan v. Warley, the U.S. Supreme Court upholds that racially segregated housing violates the 14th Amendment. 1918 Viola Pettus, an African-American nurse in Marathon, Texas, wins attention for her courageous care of victims of the Spanish Influenza, including members of the Ku Klux Klan. Mary Turner was a 33-year-old lynched in Lowndes County, Georgia who was Eight months pregnant. Turner and her child were murdered after she publicly denounced the extrajudicial killing of her husband by a mob. Her death is considered a stark example of racially motivated mob violence in the American south, and was referenced by the NAACP's anti-lynching campaign of the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. 1919 Summer – Red Summer of 1919 riots: Chicago, Washington, D.C.; Knoxville, Indianapolis, and elsewhere. September 28 – Omaha Race Riot of 1919, Nebraska. October 1–5 – Elaine Race Riot, Phillips County, Arkansas. Numerous blacks are convicted by an all-white jury or plead guilty. In Moore v. Dempsey (1923), the U.S. Supreme Court overturns six convictions for denial of due process under the Fourteenth Amendment. 1920 February 13 – Negro National League (1920–1931) established. Fritz Pollard and Bobby Marshall are the first two African-American players in the National Football League (NFL). Pollard goes on to become the first African-American coach in the NFL. January 16 – Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., was founded at Howard University 1921 May 23 – Shuffle Along is the first major African American hit musical on Broadway. May 31 – Tulsa Race Riot, Oklahoma Bessie Coleman becomes the first African American to earn a pilot's license. 1923 Garrett A. Morgan invented and patented the first automatic three-position traffic light.[31] January 1–7 – Rosewood massacre: Six African Americans and two whites die in a week of violence when a white woman in Rosewood, Florida, claims she was beaten and raped by a black man. February 19 – In Moore v. Dempsey, the U.S. Supreme Court holds that mob-dominated trials violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Jean Toomer's novel Cane is published. 1924 Knights of Columbus commissions and publishes The Gift of Black Folk: The Negroes in the Making of America by civil rights activist and NAACP cofounder W. E. B. Du Bois as part of the organization's Racial Contribution Series. Spelman Seminary becomes Spelman College. 1925–1949[edit] 1925 Spring – American Negro Labor Congress is founded. August 8 – 35,000 Ku Klux Klan members march in Washington, D.C. (see List of protest marches on Washington, D.C.) Countee Cullen publishes his first collection of poems in Color. Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters is organized. The Harlem Renaissance (also known as the New Negro Movement) is named after the anthology The New Negro, edited by Alain Locke . 1926 The Harlem Globetrotters are founded. Historian Carter G. Woodson proposes Negro History Week. Corrigan v Buckley challenges deed restrictions preventing a white seller from selling to a black buyer. The U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of Buckley, stating that the 14th Amendment does not apply because Washington, DC is a city and not a state, thereby rendering the Due Process Clause inapplicable. Also, that the Due Process Clause does not apply to private agreements. 1928 Claude McKay's Home to Harlem wins the Harmon Gold Award for Literature. 1929 The League of United Latin American Citizens, the first organization to fight for the civil rights of Latino Americans, is founded in Corpus Christi, Texas. John Hope becomes president of Atlanta University. Graduate classes are offered in the liberal arts, and Atlanta University becomes the first predominantly black university to offer graduate education. Unknown – Hallelujah! is released, one of the first films to star an all-black cast. 1930 August 7 – Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith were African-American men lynched in Marion, Indiana, after being taken from jail and beaten by a mob. They had been arrested that night as suspects in a robbery, murder and rape case. A third African-American suspect, 16-year-old James Cameron, had also been arrested and narrowly escaped being killed by the mob. He later became a civil rights activist.[32] The League of Struggle for Negro Rights is founded in New York City. Jessie Daniel Ames forms the Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching. She gets 40,000 white women to sign a pledge against lynching and for change in the South.[33] 1931 March 25 – Scottsboro Boys arrested in what would become a nationally controversial case. Walter Francis White becomes the executive secretary of the NAACP. 1932 The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male begins at Tuskegee University. 1933 Hocutt v. Wilson unsuccessfully challenged segregation in higher education in the United States. 1934 Wallace D. Fard, leader of the Nation of Islam, mysteriously disappears. He is succeeded by Elijah Muhammad. 1935 June 18 – In Murray v. Pearson, Thurgood Marshall and Charles Hamilton Houston of the NAACP successfully argue the landmark case in Maryland to open admissions to the segregated University of Maryland School of Law on the basis of equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment. Jesse Owens wins gold medals in front of Hitler. 1936 August – American sprinter Jesse Owens wins four gold medals at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. 1937 6.2.1 General works 6.2.2 Baseball 6.2.3 Boxing 6.2.4 Chess 6.2.5 Olympics Athletes[edit] Baseball[edit] Ryan Braun, outfielder (Milwaukee Brewers) Ike Davis, first baseman (Oakland Athletics) Ian Kinsler, second baseman (Detroit Tigers) Ryan Lavarnway, catcher (Atlanta Braves) Jason Marquis, pitcher (Cincinnati Reds) Joc Pederson, outfielder (Los Angeles Dodgers) Kevin Youkilis, first and third baseman Cal Abrams, US, outfielder[2] Rubén Amaro, Jr., US, outfielder, general manager (Philadelphia Phillies)[2] Morrie Arnovich, US, outfielder, All-Star[2] Brad Ausmus, US, catcher, All-Star, 3x Gold Glove, manager of the Detroit Tigers[2] José Bautista, Dominican-born, pitcher[2] Robert "Bo" Belinsky, U.S., pitcher. Pitched no-hit game as rookie with Los Angeles Angels in 1962.[3] Moe Berg, US, catcher & shortstop, and spy for US in World War II[2] Ron Blomberg, US, DH/first baseman/outfielder, Major League Baseball's first designated hitter[4] Lou Boudreau, US, shortstop, 8x All-Star, batting title, MVP, Baseball Hall of Fame, manager[2] Ralph Branca, US, pitcher, 3x All-Star[5] Ryan Braun, US, outfielder, 2007 Rookie of the Year, home run champion, 5x All-Star, 5x Silver Slugger, 2011 National League MVP (Milwaukee Brewers)[6] Craig Breslow, US, relief pitcher (Boston Red Sox)[2] Mark Clear, US, relief pitcher, 2x All-Star[7] Andy Cohen, US, second baseman, coach Harry Danning, US, catcher, 4x All-Star[2][8] Ike Davis, US, first baseman (Oakland Athletics)[9] Moe Drabowsky, US, pitcher[10] Harry Eisenstat, US, pitcher[11] Mike Epstein, US, first baseman[2] Harry Feldman, US, pitcher[2] Scott Feldman, US, pitcher (Houston Astros)[2] Gavin Fingleson, South African-born Australian, Olympic silver medalist[12] Nate Freiman, US, first baseman (Oakland Athletics)[13][14] Sam Fuld, US, outfielder (Oakland Athletics)[15] Sid Gordon, US, outfielder & third baseman, 2x All-Star[2] John Grabow, US, relief pitcher[2] Shawn Green, US, right fielder, 2x All-Star, Gold Glove, Silver Slugger[2] Hank Greenberg, US, first baseman & outfielder, 5x All-Star, 4x home run champion, 4x RBI leader, 2x MVP, Baseball Hall of Fame[2] Ken Holtzman, US, starting pitcher, 2x All-Star[2] Joe Horlen, US, pitcher, All-Star, ERA leader[2] Gabe Kapler, US, outfielder[2] Ian Kinsler, US, second baseman, 3x All-Star (Detroit Tigers)[16] Sandy Koufax, US, starting pitcher, 6x All-Star, 5x ERA leader, 4x strikeouts leader, 3x Wins leader, 2x W-L% leader, 1 perfect game, MVP, 3x Cy Young Award, Baseball Hall of Fame[2] Barry Latman, US, pitcher[11] Ryan Lavarnway, US, catcher (Atlanta Braves)[17] Al Levine, US, relief pitcher[2] Mike Lieberthal, US, catcher, 2x All-Star, Gold Glove[2] Elliott Maddox, US, outfielder & third baseman[2] Jason Marquis, US, starting pitcher, Silver Slugger, All Star (Cincinnati Reds)[2] Erskine Mayer, US, pitcher[2] Bob Melvin, US, catcher & manager of the Oakland Athletics[18] Jon Moscot, US, pitcher (Cincinnati Reds)[19] Jeff Newman, US, catcher & first baseman, All-Star, manager[2] Joc Pederson, US, outfielder (Los Angeles Dodgers)[20] Barney Pelty, US, pitcher[2] Lipman Pike, US, outfielder, second baseman, & manager, 4x home run champion, RBI leader[2] Kevin Pillar, US, outfielder (Toronto Blue Jays) Aaron Poreda, US, pitcher (Yomiuri Giants)[2] Scott Radinsky, US, relief pitcher[2] Dave Roberts, US, pitcher[2] Saul Rogovin, US, pitcher[2] Al "Flip" Rosen, US, third baseman & first baseman, 4x All-Star, 2x home run champion, 2x RBI leader, MVP[2] Goody Rosen, Canada, outfielder, All-Star[2] Josh Satin, US, second baseman (Cincinnati Reds)[21] Richie Scheinblum, US, outfielder, All-Star[2] Scott Schoeneweis, US, pitcher[2] Michael Schwimer, US, relief pitcher (Toronto Blue Jays)[22] Art Shamsky, US, outfielder & first baseman[2] Larry Sherry, US, relief pitcher[2] Norm Sherry, US, catcher & manager[2] Moe "the Rabbi of Swat" Solomon, US, outfielder[2] George Stone, US, outfielder, 1x batting title[23] Steve Stone, US, starting pitcher, All-Star, Cy Young Award[2] Danny Valencia, US, third baseman (Oakland Athletics)[24] Phil "Mickey" Weintraub, US, first baseman & outfielder Josh Whitesell, US, first baseman (Saraperos de Saltillo)[25] Steve Yeager, US, catcher[2] Kevin Youkilis, US, first baseman, third baseman, & left fielder, 3x All-Star, Gold Glove, Hank Aaron Award[2] Josh Zeid, US, pitcher for the Detroit Tigers Basketball[edit] Omri Casspi Jordan Farmar Gal Mekel Jon Scheyer Sam Balter, US, 5' 10" guard, Olympic champion[8][26] Sue Bird, US & Israel, WNBA 5' 9" point guard, 2x Olympic champion, 4x All-Star (Seattle Storm)[27] David Blatt, US & Israel, Israeli Premier League 6' 3.5" point guard, coached Russia National Basketball Team, Israel's Maccabi Tel Aviv to Euroleague Championship, Euroleague Coach of the Year, 4x Israeli Coach of the Year, Head Coach of Cleveland Cavaliers[28][29] David Blu (formerly "Bluthenthal"), US & Israel, Euroleague 6' 7" forward (Maccabi Tel Aviv)[30] Harry Boykoff, US, NBA 6' 10" center[31] Tal Brody, US & Israel, Euroleague 6' 2" shooting guard[8] Larry Brown, US, ABA 5' 9" point guard, 3x All-Star, 3x assists leader, NCAA National Championship coach (1988), NBA coach, Olympic champion, Hall of Fame[8][26] Omri Casspi, Israel, 6' 9" small forward, drafted in 1st round of 2009 NBA Draft (Sacramento Kings)[32] Shay Doron, Israel & US, WNBA 5' 9" guard (New York Liberty)[33] Lior Eliyahu, Israel, 6' 9" power forward, NBA draft 2006 (Orlando Magic; traded to Houston Rockets), playing in the Euroleague (Hapoel Jerusalem)[34] Jordan Farmar, US, NBA 6' 2" point guard (Los Angeles Clippers)[35] Marty Friedman, US, 5' 7" guard & coach, Hall of Fame[8] Ernie Grunfeld, Romania-born US, NBA 6' 6" guard/forward & GM, Olympic champion[36] Yotam Halperin, Israel, 6' 5" guard, drafted in 2006 NBA draft by Seattle SuperSonics (Hapoel Jerusalem)[34] Sonny Hertzberg, US, NBA 5' 9" point guard, original NY Knickerbocker[37] Art Heyman, US, NBA 6' 5" forward/guard[37] Nat Holman, US, ABL 5' 11" guard & coach, Hall of Fame[8] Red Holzman, US, BAA & NBA 5' 10" guard, 2x All-Star, & NBA coach, NBA Coach of the Year, Hall of Fame[8] Eban Hyams, India-Israel-Australia, 6' 5" guard formerly of the Australian National Basketball League, Israeli Super League, first ever Indian national to play in ULEB competitions[38] Barry Kramer, first team All-American at NYU in 1963 Joel Kramer, US Phoenix Suns 6'7" forward Sylven Landesberg, US, 6' 6" former UVA shooting guard (Maccabi Tel Aviv)[39] Rudy LaRusso, US, NBA 6' 7" forward/center, 5x All-Star[40] Nancy Lieberman, US, WNBA player, general manager, & coach, Olympic silver, Hall of Fame[26][41] Gal Mekel, Israel, NBA 6' 3" point guard (Dallas Mavericks)[42] Bernard Opper, US, NBL and ABL 5' 10" guard, All-American at University of Kentucky Donna Orender (née Geils), US, Women's Pro Basketball League 5' 7" point guard, All-Star, current WNBA president[37] Lennie Rosenbluth, US, NBA 6' 4" forward[36] Danny Schayes, US, NBA 6' 11" center/forward (son of Dolph Schayes)[37] Dolph Schayes, US, NBA 6' 7" forward/center, 3x FT% leader, 1x rebound leader, 12x All-Star, Hall of Fame, & coach (father of Danny Schayes)[8] Ossie Schectman, US, NBA 6' 0" guard, scorer of first NBA basket[36] Doron Sheffer, US (college), Maccabi Tel Aviv,Hapoel Jerusalem Jon Scheyer, US, All-American Duke University 6' 5" shooting guard & point guard (Maccabi Tel Aviv)[43] Barney Sedran, US, Hudson River League & New York State League 5' 4" guard, Hall of Fame[8] Sidney Tannenbaum, US, BAA 6' 0" guard, 2x All-American, left as NYU all-time scorer[8] Alex Tyus, US & Israel, 6' 8" power forward/center (Maccabi Tel Aviv) Neal Walk, US, NBA 6' 10" center[37] Max Zaslofsky, US, NBA 6' 2" guard/forward, 1x FT% leader, 1x points leader, All-Star, ABA coach[8] Bowling[edit] Barry Asher, 10 PBA titles, PBA Hall of Fame[7] Marshall Holman, 22 PBA titles (11th all-time); PBA Hall of Fame[44] Mark Roth, 34 PBA titles (5th all-time); PBA Hall of Fame[45] Boxing[edit] Yuri Foreman Zab Judah Dmitry Salita Barney Aaron (Young), English-born US lightweight, Hall of Fame[46] Abe Attell ("The Little Hebrew"), US, world champion featherweight, Hall of Fame[8] Monte Attell ("The Knob Hill Terror"), US, bantamweight[47] Max Baer ("Madcap Maxie"), US, world champion heavyweight. Wore a Star of David on his trunks; inducted into the International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame/[48] Benny Bass ("Little Fish"), US, world champion featherweight & world champion junior lightweight, Hall of Fame[8] Fabrice Benichou, France, world champion super bantamweight[34] Jack Kid Berg (Judah Bergman), England, world champion junior welterweight, wore a Star of David on his trunks, Hall of Fame[8] Maxie Berger, Canada, wore a Star of David on his trunks[49] Samuel Berger, US, Olympic champion heavyweight[8] Jack Bernstein (also "John Dodick", "Kid Murphy", and "Young Murphy"), US, world champion junior lightweight[8] Nathan "Nat" Bor, US, Olympic bronze lightweight[26] Mushy Callahan (Vincente Sheer), US, world champion light welterweight[47] Joe Choynski ("Chrysanthemum Joe"), US, heavyweight, Hall of Fame[8][50] Robert Cohen, French & Algerian, world champion bantamweight[8] Al "Bummy" Davis (Abraham Davidoff), US, welterweight & lightweight, wore a Star of David on his trunks[47] Louis "Red" Deutsch, US, heavyweight, later famous as the proprietor of the Tube Bar in Jersey City, NJ and inspiration for Moe Szyslak on "The Simpsons" Carolina Duer ("The Turk"), Argentine, WBO world champion super flyweight and bantamweight[51] John "Jackie" Fields (Jacob Finkelstein), US, world champion welterweight & Olympic champion featherweight, Hall of Fame[8] Hagar Finer, Israel, WIBF champion bantamweight[52] Yuri Foreman, Belarusian-born Israeli US middleweight and World Boxing Association champion super welterweight[53] György Gedó, Hungary, Olympic champion light flyweight[41] Abe Goldstein, US, world champion bantamweight[54] Ruby Goldstein ("Ruby the Jewel of the Ghetto"), US, welterweight, wore a Star of David on his trunks[8] Roman Greenberg ("The Lion from Zion"), Israel, International Boxing Organization's Intercontinental champion heavyweight[53] Stéphane Haccoun, France, featherweight, super featherweight, and junior lightweight[55][56] Alphonse Halimi ("La Petite Terreur"), France, world champion bantamweight[8] Harry Harris ("The Human Hairpin"), US, world champion bantamweight[8] Gary Jacobs, Scottish, British, Commonwealth, and European (EBU) champion welterweight[57] Ben Jeby (Morris Jebaltowsky), US, world champion middleweight[47] Yoel Judah, US, 3x world champion kickboxer and boxer & trainer[58] Zab Judah ("Super"), US, world champion junior welterweight & world champion welterweight (Converted to Christianity)[58][59][60][61] Louis Kaplan ("Kid Kaplan"), Russian-born US, world champion featherweight, Hall of Fame[8][50] Solly Krieger ("Danny Auerbach"), US, world champion middleweight[8] Julie Kogon US, 1947 New England Lightweight Champion. Inducted into the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame. Benny Leonard (Benjamin Leiner; "The Ghetto Wizard"), US, world champion lightweight, Hall of Fame[8] Battling Levinsky (Barney Lebrowitz), US, world champion light heavyweight, Hall of Fame[8] King Levinsky (Harry Kraków), US, heavweight, also known as Kingfish Levinsky[8] Harry Lewis (Harry Besterman), US, world champion welterweight[47] Ted "Kid" Lewis (Gershon Mendeloff), England, world champion welterweight, Hall of Fame[8] Sammy Luftspring, Canada, Canadian champion welterweight, Canada's Sports Hall of Fame[47] Saoul Mamby, US, world champion junior welterweight[47] Al McCoy (Alexander Rudolph), US, world champion middleweight[8] Daniel Mendoza, England, world champion heavyweight, Hall of Fame[8] Jacob Michaelsen, Denmark, Olympic bronze heavyweight[26] Samuel Mosberg, US, Olympic champion lightweight[8] Bob Olin, US, world champion light heavyweight[62] Victor Perez ("Young"), Tunisian, world champion flyweight[8] Harold Reitman ("The Boxing Doctor"), professional heavyweight that fought while working as surgeon, Golden Gloves champion.[63] Charlie Phil Rosenberg ("Charles Green"), US, world champion bantamweight[8] Dana Rosenblatt ("Dangerous"), US, world champion middleweight[64] Maxie Rosenbloom ("Slapsie"), US, world champion light heavyweight, wore a Star of David on his trunks, Hall of Fame[8] Barney Ross (Dov-Ber Rasofsky), US, world champion lightweight & junior welterweight, Hall of Fame[8] Mike Rossman (Michael Albert DiPiano; "The Jewish Bomber"), US, world champion light heavyweight, wore Star of David on trunks[64] Shamil Sabirov, Russia, Olympic champion light flyweight[26] Dmitry Salita ("Star of David"), US, North American Boxing Association champion light welterweight[65] Isadore "Corporal Izzy" Schwartz ("The Ghetto Midget"), US, world champion flyweight[8] Al Singer ("The Bronx Beauty"), US, world champion lightweight[47] "Lefty" Lew Tendler, US, bantamweight, lightweight, and welterweight, wore a Star of David on his trunks, Hall of Fame[8] Sid Terris ("Ghost of the Ghetto"), US, lightweight, wore a Star of David on his trunks[54] Matt Wels, England, champion of Great Britain lightweight and world champion welterweight Canoeing[edit] Jessica Fox Shaun Rubenstein László Fábián, Hungary, sprint canoer, Olympic champion (K-2 10,000 meter), 4x world champion (3x K-2 10,000 meter and 1x K-4 10,000 meter) and one silver (K-4 10,000 meter)[26] Imre Farkas, Hungary, sprint canoer, 2x Olympic bronze (C-2 1,000 and 10,000 meter)[66] Jessica Fox, French-born Australian, slalom canoer, Olympic silver (K-1 slalom), world championships bronze (C-1)[67] Myriam Fox-Jerusalmi, France, slalom canoer, Olympic bronze (K-1 slalom), 5 golds at ICF Canoe Slalom World Championships (2x K-1, 3x K-1 team)[41] Klára Fried-Bánfalvi, Hungary, sprint canoer, Olympic bronze (K-2 500 m), world champion (K-2 500 m)[26] Leonid Geishtor, USSR (Belarus), sprint canoer, Olympic champion (Canadian pairs 1,000-meter)[41] Joe Jacobi, US, slalom canoer, Olympic champion (Canadian slalom pairs)[41] Michael Kolganov, Soviet (Uzbek)-born Israeli, sprint canoer, world champion, Olympic bronze (K-1 500-meter)[41] Anna Pfeffer, Hungary, sprint canoer, Olympic 2x silver (K-2 500 m), bronze (K-1 500 m); world champion (K-2 500 m), silver (K-4 500 m), 2x bronze (K-2 500)[26] Naum Prokupets, Moldovan-born Soviet, sprint canoer, Olympic bronze (C-2 1,000-meter), gold (C-2 10,000-meter) at ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships[41] Leon Rotman, Romanian, sprint canoer, 2x Olympic champion (C-1 10,000 meter, C-1 1,000-meter) and bronze (C-1 1,000-meter), 14 national titles[41] Shaun Rubenstein, South Africa, canoer, World Marathon champion 2006[68] Cricket[edit] Michael Klinger Ben Ashkenazi, Australia (Victorian Bushrangers) Ali Bacher, South Africa, batsman and administrator (relative of Adam Bacher)[69] Mike Barnard, England, cricketer[69] Mark Bott, England, cricketer[70] Stevie Eskinazi, South African born, Australian raised, English wicketkeeper Mark Fuzes. Australian all rounder played for Hong Kong. Father Peter Fuzes kept goal for Australian Soccer team (see)[71] Dennis Gamsy, South Africa, Test wicket-keeper[72] Darren Gerard, England, cricketer[73] Norman Gordon, South Africa, fast bowler[69] Steven Herzberg, English-born Australian, cricketer[74] Sid Kiel, South Africa, opening batsman (Western Province)[75] Michael Klinger, Australia, batsman (Western Warriors)[69] Leonard "Jock" Livingston, Australia, cricketer[69] Bev Lyon, England, cricketer[69] Dar Lyon, England, cricketer (brother of Bev)[69] Greg, Jason, and Lara Molins, two brothers and a cousin from the same Irish family[74] Jon Moss, Australia, allrounder (Victorian Bushrangers)[69] John Raphael, England, batsman[69] Marshall Rosen, NSW Australia, cricketer and selector[76] Lawrence Seeff, South Africa, batsmen[77] Maurice Sievers, Australia, lower order batsman and fast-medium bowler[69] Bensiyon Songavkar, India, cricketer, MVP of 2009 Maccabiah Games cricket tournament[78] Fred Susskind, South Africa, Test batsman[69] Fred Trueman, England, English test fast bowler (a lifelong Christian)[69] Julien Wiener, Australia, Test cricketer[69] Mandy Yachad, South Africa, Test cricketer[69] Equestrian[edit] Margie Goldstein-Engle Robert Dover, US, 4x Olympic bronze, 1x world championship bronze (dressage)[79] Margie Goldstein-Engle, US, world championship silver, Pan American Games gold, silver, and bronze (jumping)[80] Edith Master, US, Olympic bronze (dressage)[26] Fencing[edit] Helene Mayer Soren Thompson Henri Anspach, Belgium (épée & foil), Olympic champion[26] Paul Anspach, Belgium (épée & foil), 2x Olympic champion[26] Norman Armitage (Norman Cohn), US (sabre), 17x US champion, Olympic bronze[26] Albert "Albie" Axelrod, US (foil); Olympic bronze, 4x US champion[8] Péter Bakonyi, Hungary (saber), Olympic 3x bronze[41] Cliff Bayer, US (foil); youngest US champion[37] Albert Bogen (Albert Bógathy), Austria (saber), Olympic silver[41] Tamir Bloom, US (épée); 2x US champion[37] Daniel Bukantz, US (foil); 4x US champion[37] Sergey Sharikov, Russia (saber), 2x Olympic champion, silver, bronze[26] Yves Dreyfus, France (épée), Olympic bronze, French champion[26] Ilona Elek, Hungary (saber), 2x Olympic champion[26] Boaz Ellis, Israel (foil), 5x Israeli champion[34] Siegfried "Fritz" Flesch, Austria (sabre), Olympic bronze[26] Dr. Dezsö Földes, Hungary (saber), 2x Olympic champion[26] Dr. Jenö Fuchs, Hungary (saber), 4x Olympic champion[81] Támas Gábor, Hungary (épée), Olympic champion[8] János Garay, Hungary (saber), Olympic champion, silver, bronze, killed by the Nazis[8] Dr. Oskar Gerde, Hungary (saber), 2x Olympic champion, killed by the Nazis[26] Dr. Sándor Gombos, Hungary (saber), Olympic champion[62] Vadim Gutzeit, Ukraine (saber), Olympic champion[82] Johan Harmenberg, Sweden (épée), Olympic champion[26] Delila Hatuel, Israel (foil), Olympian, ranked # 9 in world[83] Lydia Hatuel-Zuckerman, Israel (foil), 6x Israeli champion[84][85] Dr. Otto Herschmann, Austria (saber), Olympic silver[26] Emily Jacobson, US (saber), NCAA champion[86] Sada Jacobson, US (saber), ranked # 1 in the world, Olympic silver, 2x bronze[86] Allan Jay, British (épée & foil), Olympic 2x silver, world champion[26] Endre Kabos, Hungary (saber), 3x Olympic champion, bronze[26] Roman Kantor, Poland (épée), Nordic champion & Soviet champion, killed by the Nazis[26] Dan Kellner, US (foil), US champion[86] Byron Krieger, US[87] Grigory Kriss, Soviet (épée), Olympic champion, 2x silver[26] Allan Kwartler, US (saber), 3x Pan American Games champion[10] Alexandre Lippmann, France (épée), 2x Olympic champion, 2x silver, bronze[8] Helene Mayer, Germany & US (foil), Olympic champion[26] Ljubco Georgievski ????? ??????????? Kiro Gligorov ???? ???????? Nikola Gruevski ?????? ???????? Gjorge Ivanov ????? ?????? Gordana Jankuloska ??????? ?????????? Zoran Jolevski ????? ???????? Srgjan Kerim ????? ????? Lazar Koliševski ????? ?????????? Hari Kostov ???? ?????? Trifun Kostovski ?????? ????????? Ilinka Mitreva ?????? ??????? Lazar Mojsov ????? ?????? Tito Petkovski ???? ????????? Lui Temelkovski ??? ??????????? Boris Trajkovski ????? ?????????? Vasil Tupurkovski ????? ??????????? Zoran Zaev ????? ???? Partisans World War II freedom fighters edit Mirce Acev ????? ???? Mihajlo Apostolski ????j?? ?????????? Cede Filipovski Dame ???? ?????????? ???? Blagoj Jankov Muceto ?????? ?????? ?????? Orce Nikolov ???? ??????? Strašo Pindžur ?????? ?????? Hristijan Todorovski Karpoš ????????? ?????????? ?????? Revolutionaries edit Yordan Piperkata ?????? ???????? ????????? Goce Delcev ???? ????? Petar Pop Arsov ????? ??? ????? Dame Gruev ???? ????? Jane Sandanski ???? ????????? Dimitar Pop Georgiev Berovski ??????? ??? ???????? ???????? Ilyo Voyvoda ???? ??? ?????????? Pere Tošev ???? ????? Pitu Guli ???? ???? Dimo Hadži Dimov ???? ???? ????? Hristo Uzunov ?????? ?????? Literature edit Gjorgji Abadžiev ????? ??????? Petre M Andreevski ????? ? ?????????? Maja Apostoloska ???? ??????????? Dimitrija Cupovski ????????? ???????? Jordan Hadži Konstantinov Džinot ?????? ???? ???????????? ????? Vasil Iljoski ????? ?????? Slavko Janevski ?????? ???????? Blaže Koneski ????? ??????? Risto Krle ????? ???? Vlado Maleski ????? ??????? Mateja Matevski ?????? ???????? Krste Misirkov ????? ????????? Kole Nedelkovski ???? ??????????? Olivera Nikolova Anton Panov ????? ????? Gjorche Petrov ????? ?????? Vidoe Podgorec ????? ???????? Aleksandar Prokopiev ?????????? ????????? Koco Racin ???? ????? Jovica Tasevski Eternijan ?????? ???????? ????????? Gane Todorovski ???? ?????????? Stevan Ognenovski ?????? ?????????? Music edit Classical music edit Composers edit Atanas Badev ?????? ????? Dimitrije Bužarovski ????????? ?????????? Kiril Makedonski ????? ?????????? Toma Prošev ???? ?????? Todor Skalovski ????? ????????? Stojan Stojkov ?????? ??????? Aleksandar Džambazov ?????????? ???????? Conductors edit Borjan Canev ?????? ????? Instrumentalists edit Pianists Simon Trpceski ????? ???????? Opera singers edit Blagoj Nacoski ?????? ??????? Boris Trajanov ????? ???????? Popular and folk music edit Composers edit Darko Dimitrov ????? ???????? Slave Dimitrov ????? ???????? Jovan Jovanov ????? ??????? Ilija Pejovski ????? ???????? Musicians edit Bodan Arsovski ????? ???????? Goran Trajkoski ????? ????????? Ratko Dautovski ????? ????????? Kiril Džajkovski ????? ????????? Tale Ognenovski ???? ?????????? Vlatko Stefanovski ?????? ??????????? Stevo Teodosievski ????? ???????????? Aleksandra Popovska ?????????? ???????? Singers and Bands edit Lambe Alabakoski ????? ?????????? Anastasia ????????? Arhangel ???????? Kristina Arnaudova ???????? ????????? Kaliopi Bukle ??????? Dani Dimitrovska ???? ??????????? Riste Tevdoski ????? ???????? Karolina Goceva ???????? ?????? Vaska Ilieva ????? ?????? Andrijana Janevska ????????? ???????? Vlado Janevski ????? ???????? Jovan Jovanov ????? ??????? Leb i sol ??? ? ??? Aleksandar Makedonski ?????????? ?????????? Elvir Mekic ????? ????? Mizar ????? Jasmina Mukaetova ??????? ????e???? The Malagasy French Malgache are the ethnic group that forms nearly the entire population of Madagascar They are divided into two subgroups the "Highlander" Merina Sihanaka and Betsileo of the central plateau around Antananarivo Alaotra Ambatondrazaka and Fianarantsoa and the "coastal dwellers" elsewhere in the country This division has its roots in historical patterns of settlement The original Austronesian settlers from Borneo arrived between the third and tenth centuries and established a network of principalities in the Central Highlands region conducive to growing the rice they had carried with them on their outrigger canoes Sometime later a large number of settlers arrived from East Africa and established kingdoms along the relatively unpopulated coastlines The difference in ethnic origins remains somewhat evident between the highland and coastal regions In addition to the ethnic distinction between highland and coastal Malagasy one may speak of a political distinction as well Merina monarchs in the late th and early th century united the Merina principalities and brought the neighboring Betsileo people under their administration first They later extended Merina control over the majority of the coastal areas as well The military resistance and eventual defeat of most of the coastal communities assured their subordinate position vis à vis the Merina Betsileo alliance During the th and th centuries the French colonial administration capitalized on and further exacerbated these political inequities by appropriating existing Merina governmental infrastructure to run their colony This legacy of political inequity dogged the people of Madagascar after gaining independence in candidates ethnic and regional identities have often served to help or hinder their success in democratic elections Within these two broad ethnic and political groupings the Malagasy were historically subdivided into specifically named ethnic groups who were primarily distinguished from one another on the basis of cultural practices These were namely agricultural hunting or fishing practices construction style of dwellings music hair and clothing styles and local customs or taboos the latter known in the Malagasy language as fady citation needed The number of such ethnic groups in Madagascar has been debated The practices that distinguished many of these groups are less prevalent in the st century than they were in the past But many Malagasy are proud to proclaim their association with one or several of these groups as part of their own cultural identity "Highlander" ethnic groups Merina Sihanaka Betsileo Zafimaniry Coastal ethnic groups Antaifasy or Antefasy Antaimoro or Temoro or Antemoro Antaisaka or Antesaka Antambahoaka Antandroy or Tandroy Antankarana Antanosy or Tanosy Academia edit Afifi al Akiti Khasnor Johan historian Khoo Kay Kim Jomo Kwame Sundaram Danny Quah Harith Ahmad Architects edit Main article List of Malaysian architects Artists edit Main article List of Malaysian artists Business edit Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary born Tan Sri Dato Loh Boon Siew – Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Tan Sri William Cheng Dato Choong Chin Liang born Tan Sri Dato Tony Fernandes born Lim Goh Tong – Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow born Chung Keng Quee – Tan Sri Ananda Krishnan born Robert Kuok born Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan born Shoba Purushothaman Shah Hakim Zain Halim Saad Tan Sri Mohd Saleh Sulong Tan Sri Vincent Tan born Lillian Too born Tan Sri Dr Francis Yeoh Tun Daim Zainuddin born Tan Sri Kong Hon Kong Designers edit Bernard Chandran fashion designer Jimmy Choo born shoe designer Poesy Liang born artist writer philanthropist jewellery designer industrial designer interior architect music composer Inventors edit Yi Ren Ng inventor of the Lytro Entertainers edit Yasmin Ahmad – film director Stacy Angie Francissca Peter born Jamal Abdillah born Sudirman Arshad – Loganathan Arumugam died Datuk David Arumugam Alleycats Awal Ashaari Alvin Anthons born Asmawi bin Ani born Ahmad Azhar born Ning Baizura born Kasma Booty died Marion Caunter host of One In A Million and the TV Quickie Ella born Erra Fazira born Sean Ghazi born Fauziah Latiff born Angelica Lee born Daniel Lee Chee Hun born Fish Leong born Sheila Majid born Amy Mastura born Mohamad Nasir Mohamad born Shathiyah Kristian born Meor Aziddin Yusof born Ah Niu born Dayang Nurfaizah born Shanon Shah born Siti Nurhaliza born Misha Omar born Hani Mohsin – Aziz M Osman born Azmyl Yunor born P Ramlee born Aziz Sattar born Fasha Sandha born Ku Nazhatul Shima Ku Kamarazzaman born Nicholas Teo born Pete Teo Penny Tai born Hannah Tan born Jaclyn Victor born Chef Wan Adira Suhaimi Michael Wong born Victor Wong born Dato Michelle Yeoh Hollywood actress born James Wan director of Hollywood films like several Saw films Insidious The Conjuring Fast and Furious born Ziana Zain born Zee Avi Shila Amzah Yunalis Zarai Zamil Idris born Military edit Leftenan Adnan – Warrior from mainland Malaya Antanum Warrior from Sabah Borneo Rentap Warrior from Sarawak Syarif Masahor Warrior from Sarawak Monsopiad Warrior from Sabah Borneo Haji Abdul Rahman Limbong Warrior from Telemong Terengganu Mat Salleh Warrior from Sabah Borneo Rosli Dhobi Warrior from Sarawak Politicians edit Parameswara founder of Sultanate of Malacca Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj st Prime Minister of independent Malaya Tun Abdul Razak nd Prime Minister V T Sambanthan Founding Fathers of Malaysia along with Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tan Cheng Lock Tun Dato Sir Tan Cheng Lock Founder of MCA Tun Hussein Onn rd Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad th Prime Minister Father of Modernisation Abdullah Ahmad Badawi th Prime Minister since Najib Tun Razak Current Prime Minister since Dato Seri Ong Ka Ting Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim Dato Wan Hisham Wan Salleh Nik Aziz Nik Mat Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin Federal Territory and Urban Wellbeing Minister Wan Azizah Wan Ismail Karpal Singh Lim Kit Siang Lim Guan Eng Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah Religious edit Antony Selvanayagam Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Penang Anthony Soter Fernandez Archbishop Emeritus of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur and Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Penang Gregory Yong – Second Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore Tan Sri Datuk Murphy Nicholas Xavier Pakiam Metropolitan archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia Singapore and Brunei and publisher of the Catholic weekly newspaper The Herald Datuk Ng Moon Hing the fourth and current Anglican Bishop of West Malaysia Sportspeople edit Squash edit Datuk Nicol Ann David Ong Beng Hee Azlan Iskandar Low Wee Wern Badminton edit Chan Chong Ming men s doubles Dato Lee Chong Wei Chew Choon Eng men s doubles Wong Choong Hann Chin Eei Hui women s doubles Hafiz Hashim Roslin Hashim Wong Pei Tty women s doubles Choong Tan Fook men s doubles Lee Wan Wah men s doubles Koo Kien Keat men s doubles Tan Boon Heong men s doubles Retired edit Tan Aik Huang Eddy Choong Punch Gunalan Yap Kim Hock Foo Kok Keong Jalani Sidek Misbun Sidek Rashid Sidek Razif Sidek Cheah Soon Kit Lee Wan Wah Football soccer edit Brendan Gan Sydney FC Shaun Maloney Wigan Athletic Akmal Rizal Perak FA Kedah FA RC Strasbourg FCSR Haguenau Norshahrul Idlan Talaha Kelantan FA Khairul Fahmi Che Mat Kelantan FA Mohd Safiq Rahim Selangor FA Mohd Fadzli Saari Selangor FA PBDKT T Team FC SV Wehen Rudie Ramli Selangor FA PKNS F C SV Wehen Mohd Safee Mohd Sali Selangor FA Pelita Jaya Baddrol Bakhtiar Kedah FA Mohd Khyril Muhymeen Zambri Kedah FA Mohd Azmi Muslim Kedah FA Mohd Fadhli Mohd Shas Harimau Muda A FC ViOn Zlaté Moravce Mohd Irfan Fazail Harimau Muda A FC ViOn Zlaté Moravce Wan Zack Haikal Wan Noor Harimau Muda A FC ViOn Zlaté Moravce F C Ryukyu Nazirul Naim Che Hashim Harimau Muda A F C Ryukyu Khairul Izuan Abdullah Sarawak FA Persibo Bojonegoro PDRM FA Stanley Bernard Stephen Samuel Sabah FA Sporting Clube de Goa Nazmi Faiz Harimau Muda A SC Beira Mar Ahmad Fakri Saarani Perlis FA Atlético S C Chun Keng Hong Penang FA Chanthaburi F C Retired edit Serbegeth Singh owner founder of MyTeam Blackburn Rovers F C Global dvisor Mokhtar Dahari former Selangor FA and Malaysian player Lim Teong Kim former Hertha BSC player